Entering a Personnel Payment - Amounts Card

Enter the details of each payment to be made in the grid area, as follows:
Flip A
- Person
- Paste Special
Person register, System module
- Enter the initials of the person receiving the payment or advance.
- Text
- Enter any text describing the transaction. The name of the Person being paid is brought in as a default.
- Pay Mode
- Paste Special
Payment Modes setting, Sales/Purchase Ledger
- Enter a Payment Mode, if different from the Payment Mode entered in the header. This allows different payments on the same Personnel Payment to be credited to different bank or cash Accounts.
- Objects
- Paste Special
Object register, System module
- Default taken from Person
- You can assign up to 20 Objects, separated by commas, to this Personnel Payment and all transactions generated from it. You might define separate Objects to represent different departments, cost centres or product types. This provides a flexible method of analysis that can be used in Nominal Ledger reports.
- Any Objects specified here will be assigned to the debit posting in the Nominal Ledger Transaction generated from this Personnel Payment. Any Objects specified in the Payment Mode will be assigned to the credit posting to the Bank or Cash Account.
- Cheque
- Paste Special
Own Cheque register, Cheques module (if present)
- Record the number of the cheque used for the Personnel Payment here.
- If you have the Cheques module, this field should contain the Serial Number of a record in the Own Cheques register: use 'Paste Special' to ensure the correct record is specified.
- To Bank A/C
- The bank account of the payee is brought in from the 'Bonus' card of the Person record.
- Amount
- The amount paid out, in the Currency indicated.
Flip B
- Reference Number
- This field should be used by certain state companies in Estonia to record the RK Reference for each Personnel Payment row. This reference can be generated automatically and will be included in the Banking File (Estonia) export.
- Ordered
- Check this box to indicate that a Payment has been ordered. No Nominal Ledger Transaction will result, but you will no longer be able to modify the record.
- References in these web pages to Ordered Personnel Payment records are to those whose Ordered check box has been checked, but whose OK check box has not been checked.
- OK
- Click this box to approve the Personnel Payment record. On clicking the [Save] button to save the record, the Bank Account specified for the Payment Mode will be credited and the Account specified on the 'Bonus' card of the Person record will be debited. The Payment will now appear in account statements produced for the individual(s) in question.
- References in these web pages to approved Personnel Payment records are to those whose OK check box has been checked.
- Currency
- Paste Special
Currency register, System module
- The Currency to be used in the payment. Only one Currency per Personnel Payment record is permitted.
- The exchange rate will be shown on the 'Currency' card where you can modify it for this particular Personnel Payment record if necessary.
- Bank Fee
- Enter any fee charged by the bank for this Payment. Bank fees will be debited to the Bank Fee Account specified on the 'Rate' card of the Account Usage P/L setting.
- Sum
- The sum of all the payments entered above, in Currency.
- Withdrawn
- The total amount of the payment, i.e. the amount actually withdrawn from the account in the home Currency, including any extra fees. Calculated by Hansa.