
Force Time Entry - The Person Register - 'Time Entry' Card

Once you have completed the Force Time Entry setting as described, you should switch the feature on in the Person records of all employees whose work is to be monitored. Change to the System module, open the Person register and go to the 'Time Entry' card of each Person record.

Paste Special    Person register, System module
Specify here the manager who is to be notified if the Person falls behind with their time recording. The manager should have their own record in the Person register, and should also have a Mailbox.

Force Entry of Activities
Check this box if the Person is one whose work is to be monitored. Each time this Person logs in to the system, it will check that their time recording is up to date.

Creation Date
This field records the date the Person record was created. It cannot be changed. The system will start checking for Activities or Time Sheets from this date onwards.

For example, if the Start Date in the Force Time Entry setting is January 1st and a Person record is created on February 1st, Hansa will only check this Person's time recording from February 1st. If the Person logs in on February 3rd, they will receive a warning that their calendar is one day late, not 32 days late.

If this field is empty (this will be the case for Person records created in Hansa versions earlier than 4.1), the Start Date in the Force Time Entry setting will be used instead.
Monitoring of time recording will begin the next time the Person logs in.