Project Settings - Service Card

- Service Item Cost Price
- When creating Project Transactions from Time Sheets and Activities for time (i.e. Service Items), the unit Cost will be the hourly cost of the Person, taken from Cost per Hour field on the 'Job Costing' card of the Person record. If this is blank, the figure is taken from this field, irrespective of the Person carrying out the work. If this field is also blank, the Cost Price of the Item plus its Extra Cost will be used.
- Time Description
- If you are using the One Row Total option for Invoice Time (below), all invoiceable recorded time will be summarised together on a single Invoice row. Specify here the text that is to appear in this Invoice row.
- Invoice Times
- This set of options allows you to control how time is to be shown on Invoices. The option selected here is a default: you can override it for a particular Project using the 'Time & Purchases' card of the Project screen. Remember that Items representing time are entered to the Item register as Service Items.
- If the Separate Inv. Row option has been switched on in a particular Project Transaction, that will override the option chosen here. This will happen by default in Project Transactions created from Activities and Time Sheets if the Time Sheets/Activities: Separate Inv Row option ('On Invoice' card of this setting and 'Invoicing' card of the Project) is on, and in Project Transactions created from Purchase Invoices and Expense records if the Purch. Invs/Expenses: Separate Inv Row option is on.
- One Row Total
- All time will be added together and shown on a single line on Invoices. The text for this line will be taken from the Time Description field above.
- By Groups
- If you have several Items representing various kinds of time and these Items belong to different Item Groups, this option will show a single line total for each Item Group on Invoices. The name of the Item Group is used as the text for this line.
- By Items
- A single-line total will be shown for each Item, with the Item Name as text. The Objects on flip B of this Invoice row will be taken from the Item record (and from flip D of the Project Budget record if the Invoice Time option in the Project Budget has been set to As Budgeted).
- By Transactions
- Invoices will itemise the time spent. The Invoice text will show the Item Name and the Comment from the Project Transaction, which is taken from the Description of the appropriate Time Sheet row. The Objects on flip B of each Invoice row will be taken from the Item and Person records (and from flip D of the Project Budget record if the Invoice Time option in the Project Budget has been set to As Budgeted).
- By Items/Person
- A single-line total will be shown for each Item/Person combination, showing how much each Person has worked on the Project. The Invoice text will show the Item Name and the name of the Person. The Objects on flip B of the Invoice row will be taken from the Item and Person records.
Note that the Objects shown on the 'Terms' card of a Project Invoice will be taken from the 'Invoicing' card of the originating Project. The Objects shown on each Invoice row (flip B) will always be determined as described above, even if you are using the Time Sheets/Activities: Separate Inv Row or Purch. Invs/Expenses: Separate Inv Row option (as appropriate). They are not taken from Project Transactions. Therefore, if you are using Objects, you should choose an Invoice Times option even if you are also using the Separate Inv Row options.
- Budget Time
- Use these options to choose which of the Invoice Time options will be chosen by default when creating new records in the Project Budget and Quotation registers. Please refer to the page describing the 'Invoicing' card of the Project Budget register for descriptions of the two options.