
Time Billing Price Formulae, Time Billing Price Lists, Time Classes

If your business has various charge-out rates for the same work (e.g. standard rates, evening rates, weekend rates, holiday rates, and so on), you should use these settings to manage this multiple-rate structure.

If you are using a multiple-rate structure, it will be as part of an overall pricing structure, applied to Service (time) and Plain (purchase and materials) Items registered against Projects using Time Sheets. In this section, the steps required to build a multiple-rate structure are described. For details about how it fits in with the overall pricing structure, please refer to the 'Terminology, Pricing and Costs' page.

In planning such a price structure, follow these steps:

  1. The multiple-rate structure works at an Item Group level, not an Item level. Therefore, make sure that all Service and Plain Items that will be used in Time Sheets and which can be charged out at different rates belong to Item Groups.

  2. Define Time Classes using the Time Classes setting. These represent the various rates. In our example, we will have four Time Classes, one each for standard, evening, weekend and holiday rates.

  3. Define Price Formulae using the Time Billing Price Formulae setting: these are the formulae by which the different rates are calculated. In our example, we will need four Time Billing Price Formula records: one for the standard rate, one for the evening rate (standard rate plus 50%), one for the weekend rate (standard rate plus 100%) and one for the holiday rate (standard rate plus 200%).

  4. Finally, enter one Time Billing Price List for each Time Class. These link the Time Classes with the Items, specifying how the basic sales and cost prices are to be modified in each situation.
Please click for descriptions of steps 2, 3 and 4.