Search HansaManuals Home >> Discontinued Products >> HansaWorld FirstOffice Professional >> Work Area >> Working with Companies Previous Next This text refers to program version 4.3 Introduction A FirstOffice database can contain more than one Company. This feature can be useful if your business is one where there are separate departments or subsidiary companies that keep separate accounts. These can be set up as separate accounting entities in FirstOffice. Each department or subsidiary is termed a 'Company'.Note that you should only use this feature to differentiate between different departments if you intend to account for each of them separately. If you keep a single set of accounts covering your whole organisation, you only need have a single Company in your database. Companies are stored in the Company register in the System module. You can add new Companies at any time: this process is described on the Changing and Adding Companies page. If you have more than one Company in your Company register, it is recommended that you specify a Short Code for each one: Once you have logged in, the Short Code of the Company ("H" in the example illustrated) will be included in the title of every window: If you need to make a change to a record in a particular Company, that Company must be your current Company. For example, you have a Customer record from Company H open in a record window. If Company S is your current Company, you will not be able to make changes to the Customer record. You must change to Company H first, using the 'Company' function on the File menu. Usually, each Company will be completely separate: there will be no common information. If you want to copy information from one Company to another, you can do so using one of two methods:
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