
Personal Desktop - Settings, Reports, Documents and Maintenance functions in your Personal Desktop

To place a setting, report, document or Maintenance function in your Personal Desktop, simply open the appropriate list window and then drag an item from the list to the Personal Desktop. This method can also be used for import and export functions.

For example, to place the Open Inv Customer Statement in your Personal Desktop (as shown in the example illustration above), first use the [Select Module] button in the Master Control panel to enter the Sales Ledger and then select 'Reports' from the File menu (or click [Reports] in the Master Control panel). Click on 'Open Inv Customer Statement' in the list and drag this text to your Personal Desktop.

To work with a setting, report, document or Maintenance function, use one of these methods:

  1. Click on the item in the Personal Desktop and select 'Open Record' from the Operations menu;

  2. Click on the item in the Personal Desktop and select 'OK' from the Record menu (or press the Enter key); and

  3. Double-click on the item in the Personal Desktop.
Whichever method you use, the setting or the specification window for the report, document or Maintenance function will open. You can also attach a report itself to your Personal Desktop: please refer to the Reports in your Personal Desktop page.