Search HansaManuals Home >> Standard ERP >> Projektiarvestus >> Project Transaction Register Eelmine Järgmine Prindi kogu peatükk Otsi Juhend HansaWorld Enterprise'i versioonile 4.2 Creating Project Transactions - from Deliveries (Project Transactions for Stocked Items) You can register Stocked Items supplied to a Customer as part of a Project automatically from the Sales Order and Delivery registers. When entering the Sales Order, specify the Project on the 'Del Terms' card. Issue the Delivery in the usual fashion. When you approve and save it, a separate Project Transaction will be created for each row on the Delivery. These can then be viewed from the Project Transaction register:You should not use the Automatic delivery for Service and Plain Items option in the Stock Settings setting if you will be creating Project Transactions from Sales Orders. If this option is on, Service and Plain Items on Sales Orders will not be transferred to Deliveries and therefore Project Transactions for those Items will not be created. If the Customer returns a Stocked Item that has been supplied as part of a Project, you can deal with this in the usual way by creating a Returned Goods record from the Sales Order. Because the Sales Order has a Project Number on its 'Del Terms' card, a Project Transaction will be created when the Returned Goods record is approved. This will have a negative quantity, so the Invoice will be correct. The Cost Price in the Project Transaction will be the same as the Unit Price in the Returned Goods record. Occasionally, it might be necessary to attach an Order to a Project after Deliveries have been made. When this happens, first enter the Project Number to the 'Del Terms' card of the Order, and then find out the relevant Delivery Numbers. Project Transactions can be created from these Deliveries retrospectively using the 'Build Project Transactions from Deliveries' Maintenance function. You will not be able to do this if the Order has already been invoiced: in this case, you will not be able enter the Project Number on the 'Del Terms' card. This avoids the risk of invoicing twice. |