Employee Statistics
This report analyses the work carried out by each member of staff. It is a list of
Project Transactions from the report period, sorted by Person, and showing the number of hours worked on Projects of each type (Invoiceable, Internal and Other).
- Employee
- Paste Special
Person register, System module
- Range Reporting Alpha
- Enter a Person's initials to produce a report showing the work of a single employee.
- Project
- Paste Special
Project register, Job Costing module
- Enter a Project Number to analyse who has worked on that Project.
- Item
- Paste Special
Item register
- Enter an Item Number to restrict the report to a single Item, perhaps one that represents a particular type of work. The Item must be a Service Item or, if you select the Incl. Plain Items option (below), a Plain Item.
- Item Group
- Paste Special
Item Group register, Sales Ledger/Job Costing module
- Range Reporting Alpha
- Enter an Item Group to restrict the report to Items belonging to that Group.
- Customer
- Paste Special
Customers in Customer register
- Range Reporting Alpha
- Enter a Customer Number to analyse who has worked on Projects for that Customer.
- Display Group
- Range Reporting
- Enter a Display Group to produce a report showing the work of the employees belonging to that Display Group.
- Period
- Paste Special
Reporting Periods setting, System module
- The report period.
- Function
- Use these options to control the level of detail shown in the report.
- Detailed
- This option lists all Project Transactions for each employee, sorted by employee, date and Item Number.
- Overview
- The report will contain one row per Person, with five columns. The first three columns show how many hours the Person spent working on Invoiceable, Internal and Other Projects respectively. The fourth column shows the total of the first three columns, and the fifth shows the percentage that is chargeable. This chargeable figure includes both invoiced work and work that is to be invoiced.
- The figures in the first three columns are calculated by adding together the Registered Quantities of the Project Transactions entered in the Person's name. By default, only Project Transactions for time (i.e. Service Items) are used in the calculation. If the Incl. Plain Items option (below) is chosen, Project Transactions for Plain Items (i.e. purchases and materials) are included as well.
- Per Item
- The report shows for each employee the number of hours per Item.
- Per Project
- The report shows for each employee the number of hours per Project.
- Per Item Group
- The report shows for each employee the number of hours per Item Group. As in the Overview, separate figures are provided for hours spent on Invoiceable, Internal and Other Projects. The percentage of each Item Group total that is chargeable is also shown.
- Specify
- Use these options to include extra detail in the report.
- Incl. Plain Items
- By default, the report only lists Project Transactions that feature Service Items (i.e. time). Check this box if you want Project Transactions featuring Plain Items (i.e. purchases and materials) to be listed as well.
- If you use this option, time (from Service Items) and quantity (from Plain Items) will be added together and shown as a single figure in the column headed 'Hours'. Select the Show Plain and Service Subtotals option below if you want separate total time and quantity figures.
- Show Plain and Service subtotals
- This option provides separate subtotals for Plain and Service Items per employee. You can use it together with the Incl. Plain Items option above.
- You can only use this option in the Detailed version of the report.
- Show Invoiced
- This option includes a figure for total Invoiced Quantity in the report. You can only use this option in the Overview.
- Incl. Prices
- The default setting for this report is to provide analysis by quantity only (registered quantity, not invoiced quantity). Check this box to show the Sums from each Project Transaction as well.
- This option has no effect when used with the Overview.
- Registers
- Use these options to specify whether Project Transactions created from Time Sheets or Activities or both are to be included in the report.