

Enter here the different shipping and pricing Units used in your business (e.g. single Items, pairs and dozens). Once you have entered your Units to this setting, you can assign them to your Items using the Unit field on the 'Pricing' card of each Item record. This is the quantity to which all prices refer. For example, if an Item is bought and sold in boxes of twelve, its Unit should be "Dozen". When the Item is included in a transaction of any kind (e.g. Goods Receipt or Invoice), the Quantity will refer to this Unit. If the Quantity in an Invoice is 2, this means "two boxes of twelve". The Base and Cost Prices of the Item will also refer to this Unit. If the Base Price is 85.00, this means "85.00 for a box of twelve".

On double-clicking 'Units' in the 'Settings' list, the 'Units: Browse' window is displayed, showing all Unit records previously entered. Double-click an item in the list to edit, or add a new record by clicking the [New] button in the Button Bar. When the record is complete, click the [Save] button in the Button Bar to save it.

Enter the unique Code by which the Unit record is to be identified from elsewhere in FirstOffice. You can enter up to five characters, and you can use both numbers and letters.

Here you enter the name for the Unit record as it will be shown in the 'Units: Browse' window and the 'Paste Special' list.
Please click here for details about the translation grid added to this setting by the Currencies, Languages and Advanced Pricing Value Pack.