
Operations Menu - Print Proforma Invoice

Use this function to print a Proforma version of the Invoice on screen. This might be necessary on occasions where it is necessary to get payment in advance. A Proforma Invoice differs from a normal Invoice in that the Invoice Number is preceded by the word "Proforma" and in that, even for Invoices that have not been approved, the words "Test Printout" will not appear.

The Form used by this function is determined as follows:

  1. Using the Form register in the System module, design the proforma and name it "PROFORMA_INVOICE". A sample proforma is supplied with FirstOffice: this can be modified to suit your requirements. Full instructions for using the Form register can be found here.

  2. Select the Sales Ledger module using the [Select Module] button in the Master Control panel.

  3. Select 'Documents' from the File menu or click [Documents] in the Master Control panel. The 'Documents' list window is opened: highlight 'Proforma Invoices'.

  4. Select 'Define Document' from the Operations menu.

  5. In the subsequent window, enter "PROFORMA_INVOICE" in the Form field of the first line (you can use 'Paste Special' to ensure the spelling is correct).

  6. Click [Save] to save the Proforma Invoice Form definition. From now on, the proforma invoice form that you have designed will be used, from the 'Documents' function and from the Operations menu function.