
Entering a Purchase Invoice

To enter a new Purchase Invoice, click [New] in the Button Bar or use the Ctrl-N (Windows and Linux) or ⌘-N (Macintosh) keyboard shortcut. Alternatively, highlight a Purchase Invoice similar to the one you want to enter and click [Duplicate] on the Button Bar.

The 'Purchase Invoice: New' window is opened, empty if you clicked [New] or containing a duplicate of the highlighted Purchase Invoice. In the case of the duplicate, the Invoice and Transaction Dates of the new Purchase Invoice will be the same as those in the original Purchase Invoice, and the Supplier Invoice Number will not be copied.

Since the amount of information stored about each Purchase Invoice will not fit on a single screen, the Purchase Invoice window has been divided into three cards. At the top of each is the header. This contains the Purchase Invoice Number, the Supplier's Number and Name, and other information. At the bottom of the screen is the footer, which contains various totals. There are three named buttons ('tabs') in the header.

By clicking the tabs you can navigate between the cards, and always go directly to a certain card. The header is always visible, so you can always see which Supplier's Purchase Invoice you are working with. If you have the Dual Base Currency or the Currencies, Languages and Advanced Pricing Value Packs, there will be four cards. A new 'Currency' card containing the Currency and Exchange Rate will be inserted between the 'Costs' and 'Identifiers' cards. This extra card is described here.