
Inspecting and Approving Purchase Invoices

If you did not approve a Purchase Invoice when you entered it, you must approve it at a later time in order to commit it to the Purchase Ledger, and, if so defined in the Sub Systems setting in the Nominal Ledger, for the Nominal Ledger Transaction to be generated. Approval also causes the Invoice record to be locked, so that it cannot be altered after this point. Payments can only be issued against approved Purchase Invoices.

There are two ways to approve an Invoice:

  1. When viewing a Purchase Invoice, click the OK check box; or

  2. Highlight one or more Invoices in the 'Purchase Invoices: Browse' window and select 'OK' from the Operations menu.
You can use Access Groups to control who can approve Purchase Invoices and Purchase Credit Notes. To do this, deny access to the 'OKing Purchase Invoices' and 'OKing Purchase Credit Notes' Actions respectively.