Search HansaManuals Home >> Standard ERP >> CRM/Säljstöd >> Inställningar Föregående Nästa Skriv ut hela kapitlet Sök Detta avser program version 4.2 Activity Types, Subsystems It is possible to have an Activity created automatically on the completion of another task. This feature is controlled using this setting.In the case of Contracts, Customer Letters, Invoices and Purchase Invoices, Activities can also be created when you approve and save records. Check the boxes on the left if you would like this to happen: they have no power over the 'Create Activity' function. Again, the Activities will be given the Activity Type specified on the right. In the case of Sales Orders, Activities can also be created when you save records for the first time. Check the Generate from Sales Orders box if you would like this to happen. The Activities will be given the Activity Type specified on the right, again providing the Order does not belong to an Order Class where an Activity Type has been specified. Check the Done box on the extreme right if you would like new Activities to be marked as Done when they are created from a particular register. Check the Update Customer's Name on Contact Persons box if you would like changes to a Customer Name in the Customer register to be copied to the Contact Persons belonging to that Customer. |