
N/L Transfer, Subsystems

The integration between FirstOffice's different modules means that Nominal Ledger Transactions can be generated automatically from other ledgers and modules ('Sub Systems'). For example, approving an Invoice in the Sales Ledger can cause the automatic generation of a Nominal Ledger Transaction debiting a Debtor Account and crediting a Sales Account and, if appropriate, a VAT Account. This feature is controlled using the Sub Systems setting.

If you are not using this feature, you can use this report, which lists transactions in the selected register or Sub System (e.g. Invoices entered in the Sales Ledger), as a basis for entering equivalent Nominal Ledger Transactions manually. Alternatively you can create the Transactions in batches using the 'Create NL Transactions' Maintenance function in the System module: this report will list the Transactions that will be created by that function.

The report shows all transactions of the specified type in the specified period, irrespective of whether equivalent Nominal Ledger Transactions have already been created. Only approved transactions are shown.

Paste Special    Reporting Periods setting, System module
Enter the start and end date of the report period, separated by a colon (:).

Select one subsystem for the report.

Use these options to control the level of detail shown in the report.
This option will produce a list with a single row for each transaction (Invoice, Payment etc.) including a total amount for each. At the end, a list of the Account/Object combinations used by the transactions listed above is printed, showing for each the total amounts debited and credited. This allows the summarising of the listed transactions listed into a single Nominal Ledger Transaction.

This option shows the Account/Object combinations used by each transaction, allowing a separate Nominal Ledger Transaction to be entered for each Sub System transaction. As with the Overview option, a summary of the movements in each Account/Object combination is shown at the end of the report.