
Trial Balance

The Trial Balance is a report showing all individual Account balances. It is mostly used for reconciliation. You cannot alter the definition of the Trial Balance report, but you can determine which Transactions are to be included.

When printed to screen, the Trial Balance has FirstOffice's Drill-down feature. Click on the Account Number of any Account in the report to open the Nominal Ledger report for the same Account and period. When in the Nominal Ledger report, you can click on any Transaction Number to open an individual Transaction record.

The totals of the three columns in the report should each be zero, signifying that in your accounts the total debits and the total credits are equal. If this is not the case, there may be an error in one or more of your Transactions that should be corrected immediately.

Open the 'Reports' list window and double-click 'Trial Balance'. The 'Specify Trial Balance' window is opened.

Please click here for details about the Values In options added to the specification window by the Dual-Base Currency Value Pack.
Paste Special    Reporting Periods setting, System module
Enter the period for which you want to produce the Trial Balance. The first period in the Reporting Periods setting is the default value.

Paste Special    Account register, Nominal Ledger/System module
Range Reporting    Alpha
Limit the report to a certain Account, or a range of Accounts.

Paste Special    Object register, Nominal Ledger
Indicate an Object to limit the scope of the report.

VAT Code
Paste Special    VAT Codes setting, Nominal Ledger
Enter a VAT Code here to restrict the report to Transactions with a certain VAT Code.

Used Accounts only
With this box checked, the report will only show Accounts with Transactions registered during the period, and/or with balances brought forward from a previous period.

List Transaction Nos
With this box checked, the Transaction Numbers of all Transactions that fall within the reporting period, together with debit and credit totals, will be listed at the bottom of the report. All Transactions will be listed, irrespective of any restrictions in the scope of the report specified in the fields above.