
Stock List

This report shows the stock situation, balances etc. for all or selected Items. Various stock valuation models are available for calculating stock values. Be careful when comparing the results of this report with the balance on the Stock Account in the Nominal Ledger: the latter may be based on a different stock valuation to that selected here.

Please click here for details about the Location field added to the specification window by the Stock Locations Value Pack, and here for details about the four Function options added by the same Value Pack.
Item No.
Paste Special    Item register
Range Reporting    Alpha
Enter an Item Number (or range of numbers) to produce a Stock List for specific Item(s). Use a colon (:) to separate the first and last number.

Only Stocked Items in the range will be shown (not Plain Items).

Paste Special    Item Groups setting, Sales Ledger
Range Reporting    Alpha
Enter an Item Group Code to produce a report covering all Stocked Items in a particular Item Group.

Paste Special    Choose date
Enter a date to produce a Stock List for a specific date. If the field is left blank, the current date will be used.

Use these options to control the level of detail shown in the report.
This choice gives a report with one line per Item, showing quantity, unit cost and value.

This gives a report showing when each individual Item was entered into stock together with its FIFO value.
Only with Balance
Use this option to ensure only Items of which you have stock (positive or negative) will be listed.

Valuation Method
These options control how the stock is valued. If you select the Base Price or Purchase Price options and print the Detailed version of the report, overall stock values will be calculated using those options, but FIFO prices will be shown for each individual Item.
This will calculate the value of the items in stock according to a strict FIFO principle. The number of decimal places used in the unit value and total value columns is determined using the Round Off setting in the System module.

Base Price
Select this option to produce a stock balance valued according to the Base Price (sales price) recorded in the Item register.

Purchase Price
Select this option to value the stock balance using the unit Cost Price shown in the Goods Receipt. This includes extra costs such as carriage and customs duties.
Three sorting options are available.