
Customer Labels

This document prints name and address labels to Customers. It uses the Invoice Address on the 'Contact' card of each Customer record.

Please click here for full details of this document, which can be found in the Sales Ledger. The CRM Value Pack makes this document available to the Sales Support module as well, and adds the following selection options:

Paste Special    Customer Classifications setting, Sales Support module
Select a Customer Classification. Labels will be printed for all Customers in that Classification. If you enter a number of Classifications separated by commas, labels will only be printed for those Customers featuring all the Classifications listed.

Labels for Contact Persons
If you wish to print individual labels for every Contact Person belonging to the Customers in the selection (or for Contact Persons selected using the two options below), switch on this check box.

Job Description
Paste Special    Job Descriptions setting, Sales Support module
If you wish to print labels for Contact Persons with a particular Job Description, enter that Job Description here.

Class. of Cont. Pers.
Paste Special    Customer Classifications setting, Sales Support module
Select a Customer Classification. Labels will be printed for all Contact Persons with that Classification.