
Nominal Ledger Transactions

When Nominal Ledger Transactions are created automatically (for example, from Invoices or Receipts), the conversion rates used will be taken from the Sub System transaction. If you are using the simple conversion method, figures in the Nominal Ledger are stored both in the home Currency and, if appropriate, in the foreign Currency used in the Sub System transaction. If you are using the Dual-Base method, all figures in the Nominal Ledger are stored in both Base Currencies. If you are using both methods in combination, figures are stored in both Base Currencies and, if appropriate, any third Currency.

This section describes the entering of Nominal Ledger Transactions directly to the Transaction register. Both conversion methods add new flips to the grid on the Transaction screen. In the case of Transactions solely in the home Currency, you can ignore these new flips and simply enter the amounts to the Debit and Credit fields on flip A.

Note: if you need to duplicate a Transaction and the Exchange or Base Currency Rate has changed since it was entered, the up-to-date rate will not be shown in the new Transaction. This is correct if the purpose of duplicating the Transaction is to reverse it. Otherwise, you will need to enter the journal postings again in order to use the latest rates.

When you enter a figure in a Transaction row for the first time, figures converted to Currency will be placed in the appropriate fields automatically. For example, if you enter a figure in your home Currency, figures in the foreign Currency and/or Base Currency 2 (depending on whether you are using the simple conversion system and/or Dual-Base system respectively) will be brought in automatically. However, if you change an existing figure in a Transaction row, the other figures will not be updated. This allows you to overrule the standard conversion rate. This feature means you should be careful when duplicating Transactions and then changing values. Instead, it is recommended that you enter the journal postings again, as mentioned in the previous paragraph.