
Invoices - Both Systems in Combination

When you create a new Invoice for a Customer with a foreign Currency, the Currency and all conversion rate fields will be filled by FirstOffice as soon as you specify the Customer. The Currency is shown in the footer, taken from the Sales Currency field on the 'Terms' card of the Customer record or from the Default Base Currency (defined in the Base Currency setting in the System module). If the Currency came from the Customer record, you cannot change it. Otherwise, you can substitute any other Currency if necessary.

The current conversion rate is shown on the 'Currency' card of the Invoice:

In this historical example from a company in The Netherlands, a transitional country, an Invoice has been raised in FIM (Finnish Markka). Base Currency 1 is the home Currency (NLG, Dutch Guilders) and Base Currency 2 is the Euro. The fields on the left show in the form of a ratio the exchange rate between the two Base Currencies (taken from the latest record in the Base Currency Rates setting). Those on the right show the exchange rate between the foreign Currency and Base Currency 2 (taken from the latest record in the Exchange Rate register). The illustration shows the two-stage currency conversion applicable to transactions between two EU countries going through the transitional process of adopting the Euro: the right-hand fields show that FIM 5.94573 buys one Euro (Base Currency 2), while the left-hand fields show that one Euro buys NLG 2.20371 (Base Currency 1, the local Currency), thus establishing a conversion rate between Markka and Guilders.

In this next example suitable for a voluntary user in the UK, the two Base Currencies are GBP and EUR. The Invoice Currency is USD:

Again, the fields on the left show the conversion rate between the two Base Currencies. This conversion rate will have no effect in the Invoice itself. However, the Nominal Ledger Transaction that results from the Invoice will contain figures in both Base Currencies, calculated using this conversion rate. The fields on the right show the exchange rate between the foreign Currency and Base Currency 1 (i.e. between USD and GBP) that will be used to calculate the prices in the Invoice.

In both examples, you can change the Exchange and/or Base Rates if necessary, (if so allowed by the Prevent Base Rate Changes and Prevent Foreign Rate Changes options for the Currency in question) but note that the change will apply to this Invoice only. In general, if the Exchange Rate or Base Rate has changed, you should first go to the System module and enter the relevant Rate before you start the day's invoicing.