Entering Target Time Records
To use the Target Time register, follow these steps:
- In the CRM module, select 'Target Time' from the Registers menu (or click [Target Time] in the Master Control panel).
The 'Target Times: Browse' window is opened, listing the records that have already been entered.
- Click [New] in the Button Bar or select a Target Time record similar to the one you want to enter and click [Duplicate] in the Button Bar.
The 'Target Time: New' window is opened, empty if you clicked [New] or containing a duplicate of the highlighted Target Time record.
- Person
- Paste Special
Person register, System module
- Enter the initials of the Person for whom you are setting targets, or use the 'Paste Special' function. When you press Return, the Person's name will be entered to the field below.
- Name
- The Person's Name is entered after you have entered their initials.
- Start Date
- Paste Special
Choose date
- Specify here the date when the Target Time record is to take effect. It will remain in effect until a new Target Time record with a later Start Date is entered. Only one record for each Person/Date combination can be entered.
- Use the grid area of the screen to specify the number of hours that it is intended that the Person will spend carrying out work of each Activity Type.
The Target Time record in the illustration above has a period of one week (shown in the Period of Days field). It specifies that every week the employee is to spend eight hours doing administration, 24 hours making sales visits and eight hours making sales calls.
- Act Type
- Paste Special
Activity Types setting, CRM module
- Enter an Activity Type for which a target is to be set.
- Text
- The Name of the Activity Type is entered after you have entered the Code.
- Period of Days, Hours
- The Period of Days is the period covered by the Target Time row, while Hours is the number of hours during that period to be spent carrying out work belonging to the Activity Type.
- For example, if an employee is to spend eight hours per week working on administration, enter "7" as the Period of Days and "8" in the Hours field. If the Period of Days is "1", the target will be eight hours per day.
- Both these fields must contain an entry in a particular row, otherwise the row will be ignored by the Employee Time Statistics report.
- It is recommended that you use seven or a multiple of seven as the Period of Days. This will ensure that Employee Time Statistics report produces accurate results taking weekends into account. If you set daily targets, the report will apply these targets to Saturday and Sunday. If you enter "5" as the Period of Days, the report will contain incorrect targets if the report period is longer than five days.
- Once the Target Time record is complete, save it by clicking the [Done] button in the Button Bar. You can return to it at any time if you need to make changes.