Entering a Customer Letter - Cat/Class Selection Card

Use this card in combination with the
'Customer Selection' card to select the Customers and Contacts to whom the letter is to be sent.
Paste Special Customer Categories setting, Sales Ledger
If you wish to mail all Customers of a particular Category (or range of Categories), specify that here.
This field assumes that the Customer field on the 'Customer Selection' card is blank: it will be ignored if the Customer field contains a value.
Cust. Class
Paste Special Customer Classifications setting, CRM module
If you wish to mail all Customers of a particular Classification, specify that here.
If you entered a range of Customers in the Customer field on the 'Customer Selection' card, all Customers in that range that are of the particular Classification will be mailed.
Contact Class
Paste Special Customer Classifications setting, CRM module
If you wish to mail all Contacts of a particular Contact Classification, specify that here.
This field assumes that the Customer field on the 'Customer Selection' card contains a value and that the One per Contact box is not checked. It will have no effect if one or both these conditions are not met.
Job Desc
Paste Special Job Descriptions setting, CRM module
If you wish to mail all Contacts of a particular Job Description, specify that here.
This field assumes that the Customer field on the 'Customer Selection' card contains a value and that the One per Contact box is not checked. It will have no effect if one or both these conditions are not met.