Entering a Sales Order - Items Card

Use the grid on the 'Items' card to list the Items ordered. This grid is divided into eight horizontal flips. When you click on a flip tab (marked A-H), the two or three right-hand columns of the grid are replaced.

Before adding any rows to an Order, ensure that the Currency and Exchange Rate specified are correct. If an Exchange Rate is specified, all prices transferred from the Item register will be converted. However, if the Exchange Rate is altered after rows have been added, their prices will not be converted.
To add rows to an Order, click in any field in the first blank row and enter appropriate text. To remove a row, click on the row number on the left of the row and press the Backspace key. To insert a row, click on the row number where the insertion is to be made and press Return. Rows cannot be removed or inserted after Deliveries have been issued.
You can also bring Items into an Order by opening the 'Items: Browse' window, selecting a range of Items by clicking while holding down the Shift key, and then dragging them to the Item field in the first empty Order row.
Flip A
- Item
- Paste Special
Item register
- With the cursor in this field, enter the Item Number or Bar Code for each Item ordered. Pricing, descriptive and other information will be brought in from the Item record. If you leave this field blank, you can enter any text in the Description field, perhaps using the row for additional comments to be printed on Order documentation.
- If the Item is a Structured Item whose Show Components on Documents check box is on, its components will be listed on the following rows when you enter a Quantity. If you decide to change the Quantity, be sure to change the Quantities of the components as well.
- Qty
- Enter the number of units ordered. Press Return to calculate the Sum, and the cursor will move to the Item field on the next row.
- Description
- Default taken from
- This field shows the name of the Item, brought in from the Item register. If you want to add an extra description, you can do so: there is room for up to 100 characters of text.
- If you have specified various translations of the Description on the 'Texts' card of the Item screen, the correct translation will be brought in according to the Language of the Order (specified on the 'Del Terms' card). In addition, Hansa will take any rows of text that have been entered on the 'Texts' card of the Item record without a Language and move them into the Description field, as shown below.

- Unit Price
- The Unit Price of the Item according to the valid Price List for this Customer is brought in. If the Customer has no Price List specified, or the Item is not on the Price List in question, the Base Price from the Item screen is brought in. If there is a Price List applying to this Order, it will be shown on the 'Del Terms' card. This figure will include VAT (and TAX) if the Price List specified is one that is Inclusive of VAT or if you have specified on card 1 of the Account Usage S/L setting in the Sales Ledger that Base Prices include VAT (or VAT and TAX).
- If a Currency and Exchange Rate have been specified, the figure shown will be in the Currency concerned (i.e. having undergone currency conversion).
- %
- Discount percentage. If a Discount Matrix that includes this Item has been allocated to the Customer, this figure will be determined by the Item Number and Quantity. It can be changed to an adhoc rate if necessary. If there is a Discount Matrix applying to this Order, it will be shown on the 'Del Terms' card.
- In the Round Off setting in the System module, you can determine whether the discount is to be applied to the Unit Price before it has been multiplied by the Quantity, or to the Sum. In certain circumstances (where there is a very small unit price and a large quantity) this choice can cause the calculated discount to vary, due to the rounding system used in Hansa. Please refer here for details and an example.
- The percentage entered here can act as a discount, margin factor or markup. This is controlled using the General Options setting in the System module.
- Sum
- The total for the row: Quantity multiplied by Unit Price less Discount. Changing this figure will cause the Discount Percentage to be recalculated. This figure will include VAT (and TAX) if the Price List specified is one that is Inclusive of VAT or if you have specified on card 1 of the Account Usage S/L setting that Base Prices include VAT (or VAT and TAX).
- This figure will be rounded up or down according to rounding rules set for the Currency in the Currency Round Off setting in the System module.
Flip B
- A/C
- Paste Special
Account register, Nominal Ledger/System module
- This code determines the Nominal Ledger Sales Account for this Item. Nominal Ledger Transactions generated by Invoices created from this Order will credit the Account specified here. A default is offered, taken from the record in the Price register for the Item/Price List combination. If there is no such record, or it has no Sales Account specified, the default will be taken from the Item record, the Item Group or from card 3 of the Account Usage S/L setting. This default can be changed for a particular Order row if necessary.
- Object
- Paste Special
Object register, Nominal Ledger/System module
- Default taken from Item
- Up to 20 Objects, separated by commas, can be assigned to this Item and all transactions generated from it. You might define separate Objects to represent different departments, cost centres or product types. This provides a flexible method of analysis that can be used in Nominal Ledger reports.
- In any Nominal Ledger Transactions generated from Invoices raised from this Order, any Objects specified here will be assigned to the credit posting to the Sales Account and, if cost accounting is being used, the debit posting to the Cost Account. This assignment will merge these Objects with those of the parent Order (shown on the 'Date' card).
- The Objects specified here are also transferred to the corresponding row of any Delivery issued from this Order row. They will be assigned to the debit posting in any Nominal Ledger Transactions generated from those Deliveries.
- V-Cd
- Paste Special
VAT Codes setting, Nominal Ledger
- When an Invoice is raised from this Order, the VAT Code entered here will determine the rate at which VAT will be charged on this Item and the VAT Account to be credited. A default is offered, taken from the Customer record. If none is specified, the default is taken from the Item, the Item Group or from card 3 of the Account Usage S/L setting. This default can be changed for a particular Order row if necessary.
Flip C
- Cost
- Default taken from
Item (Cost Price + Extra Cost)
- The Cost Price is used in Gross Profit and Margin calculations. It can be altered if necessary.
- GP
- The Gross Profit for the Order row is calculated by subtracting the Cost Price (multiplied by the Quantity) from the Sum. The figure is therefore absolute, not a percentage.
Flip D
- Del 1, Del 2
- The quantity delivered for each Order row is amended automatically when Deliveries are made using the 'Delivery' function on the Operations menu. The Del 1 quantity includes both approved and unapproved Deliveries, while the Del 2 field only shows approved Deliveries. Invoices cannot be raised for Deliveries that have not yet been approved.
- If the Automatic Delivery for Service and Plain Items option in the Stock Settings setting in the Stock module is being used, these fields will be changed to show the Order Quantity when the Order is saved if the Item is a Plain or Service Item. This means that such Items can be invoiced immediately without the need for a Delivery, and that they will not appear on any Deliveries. It also means that the Order Quantity for such Items cannot be reduced once the Order has been saved.
- Invoiced
- The quantity invoiced for each Order row is amended automatically when Invoices are raised using the 'Invoice' function on the Operations menu. The quantity shown includes both approved and unapproved Invoices. Invoices cannot be raised until Deliveries have been made and approved. In the case of partial Deliveries, Invoices can only be raised for the quantity delivered.
- Recipe
- Paste Special
Recipes setting, Stock module
- Default taken from Item
- If the Item is a Structured Item, its Recipe is recorded here, brought in from the Item record. A Structured Item is essentially an Item which is assembled by your company from purchased components: its Recipe lists those components with quantities. Recipes are set up using a setting in the Stock module.
Flip E
- Serial No
- Paste Special
Serial Numbers of Items in stock
- If Serial Numbers are required for the Item, they can be entered here or, preferably, on the Delivery screen (obtained using the 'Delivery' function on the Operations menu). If the Quantity is greater than one, the Delivery screen will have a number of rows each with a Quantity of one, allowing you to enter Serial Numbers individually. On returning to the Order, only the Serial Number of the last Item will be visible.
- When the time comes to raise an Invoice, where the Quantity is greater than one the Invoice can mirror the Order (i.e. with a single row for the Serial Numbered Item with the Quantity from the Order) or it can mirror the Delivery (i.e. with a number of rows each with a Quantity of one). The latter case will be useful if you need to have the Serial Numbers printed on Invoices as well as on Delivery Notes. Make this choice using the Invoice based on Delivery (Special Menu only) option in the Order Settings setting.
- If no Location is specified, the 'Paste Special' list will show the Serial Numbers of Items in all Locations, with an indication of the Location in which each Item is stored. However, if you have specified a Location on the 'Del Terms' card, only those Serial Numbers stored in that Location will be shown.
- If you would like Best Before dates to be shown in the 'Paste Special' list, switch on the Show Best Before Dates option in the Item Settings setting in the Sales Ledger. Best Before Dates are entered using the Batch Specifications setting in the Stock module.
- The 'Paste Special' list will not be shown if you are using the No Serial No. on Goods Receipts option in the Stock Settings setting. In this case, if you do enter a Serial Number here, no check will be carried out that the one you have used is valid (i.e. one that is currently in stock).
- Note that Serial Numbers must be allocated manually: there is no automatic FIFO allocation.
- Plan. Del.
- Paste Special
Current Date
- The date on which the Item is scheduled to ship, if this is different to the Planned Delivery Date on the 'Date' card. The format of this field is determined by the Planned Delivery setting. Available options are free text, date, week number or year-week (4 characters).
- If you are using the 'Create Planned Records' Maintenance function to create Purchase Orders for Items on Sales Orders based on the 'Just In Time' principle, this field must use the Date format, set in the Planned Delivery setting. For this purpose, it will take precedence over any such date entered on the 'Date' card.
- Price Factor
- Default taken from
- A Price Factor can be used to recalculate the Unit Price of an Item. For example, if the Item is normally purchased in boxes with 24 units, the Price Factor 24 can be entered in the Item record. The Unit Price for the Item will then refer to a box of 24 units. The Price Factor will be brought in to the Order from the Item and affect the Sum in an appropriate manner. It can be altered and Hansa will recalculate the Sum accordingly. The formula used is Sum = (Quantity/Price Factor) * Unit Price.
Flip F
- Delivery Note
- This field can be used to record any documentation number connected with this Order row, for purposes of cross-reference. This field is not updated automatically.
- Location
- Paste Special
Locations setting, Stock module
- A separate stock Location can be entered for each row of the Order. This will be transferred to flip B of any Delivery row resulting from this Order row. Please refer to the section describing the Location field on the 'Del Terms' card for full details.
- If the 'Item Status' window is on screen, the quantities shown will refer to the Location specified on the 'Del Terms' card, not that entered here.
- Source
- Paste Special
Sources setting, Stock module
- Default taken from Item
- This field can be used to record the origin of the Item (e.g. the manufacturer). This will be copied to the Delivery.
Flip G
These fields have been provided for use in the EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) module where it can be necessary to record the history of perishable goods such as fruit and vegetables. They will also be useful in other circumstances where the detailed recording of dated information of any kind is required. The Sourcing List report can be used to print out this information.
'Paste Special' can be used from each field to enter the current date or current time as appropriate.
Information must be entered to these fields before a Delivery is created from the Order row. Once a Delivery exists, the fields cannot be changed.
- Pick. Date, Time
- The date and time the goods were picked or harvested.
- Inl. Date, Time
- The inload date and time when the goods were received into your warehouse.
- Desp. Date, Time
- The despatch date and time for this Order row can be recorded here if they are different to those entered on the 'Date' card.
Flip H
- Unit, Unit Qty, Unit Pr. of Unit
- These fields allow you to sell an Item using a different Unit to that specified on the 'Pricing' card of the Item record.
- When a Unit that has a Qty Factor is entered here, the Quantity and pricing for the Order row will change accordingly. For example, an Item is usually sold in single units. If you sell two dozen of them, you can enter the Unit representing one dozen (i.e. its Qty Factor is "12") in this Unit field and "2" in the Unit Qty field. The Quantity on flip A will change to "24" (i.e. 2 x 12) and the pricing will be adjusted accordingly. The Unit Price of Unit field will show the price for one dozen (i.e. the price of one of the new Unit).
- Use 'Paste Special' from the Unit field to choose from a list of Units.
- Use the 'Recalculate Weight and Volume' function on the Operations menu to update the Total Quantity, Weight and Volume on the 'Del Terms' card of the Order.
- Width, Height, Depth
- Default taken from
- These fields contain the dimensions of the Item. They can be used together with the Unit Qty field if the Item is sold by area or volume. Please refer to the description of the Units setting for details and an example.

In addition to the Currency, the Order Footer contains various running totals as described below. Whenever an Order row is added or changed, these totals are updated.
- Total GP
- The total gross profit for the Order.
- Currency
- Paste Special
Currency register, System module
- Default taken from Customer or Default Base Currency
- The Currency of the Order: the exchange rate is shown on the 'Currency' card where it can be modified only for this particular Order if necessary. Ensure that the Currency is correct (i.e. it shows the Currency that is to be used on the Invoice) before any Items are added to the Order. This is to ensure that prices are converted correctly: if you forget, the 'Update Currency Price List Items' function is available on the Operations menu which retrospectively converts the prices of Items added to the Order before the Currency was specified (save the Order before using this function). Leave the field blank to use the home Currency (unless you have set a Default Base Currency, in which case this will be offered as a default and should be treated as your home Currency).
- If the Customer record has a Currency specified on the 'Pricing' card, only that Currency can be used. Otherwise, any Currency can be used.
- GP%
- The overall gross profit for the Order, shown as a percentage.
- The VAT total for the Order.
- This figure is rounded up or down according to rounding rules set for the Currency (in the Currency Round Off setting in the System module). If no Currency has been specified, or the Currency in question has not been entered in the Currency Round Off setting, the rounding rules are taken from the Round Off setting (also in the System module).
- VAT is calculated after the Sum of each row has been rounded up or down according to rounding rules set in the Currency Round Off setting.
- Base
- This shows the Order total including VAT in the home Currency (or in Base Currency 1 as defined in the Base Currency setting in the System module). It is only used if the Currency of the Order is not blank and is not Base Currency 1.
- Sub-Total
- The total for the Order, excluding VAT.
- The total for the Order, including VAT.
- This figure is rounded up or down according to rounding rules set for the Currency (in the Currency Round Off setting in the System module). If no Currency has been specified, or the Currency in question has not been entered in the Currency Round Off setting, the rounding rules are taken from the Round Off setting (also in the System module).