
Introduction to the Returned Goods Register

This register is used when goods that you have delivered to your Customer are returned to you. A record in the Returned Goods register is always connected with a Sales Order, and it can be either a full Return or a part Return. The register cannot be used if the Sales Orders module is not present.

If you are using a FIFO stock system and/or cost accounting (maintaining stock values in the Nominal Ledger), the difficulty with the returning of goods to stock is that the system cannot know the actual cost (FIFO value) of the goods being returned. The purpose of the Returned Goods register is to allow the user to intervene in this process, so that the correct FIFO values can be recorded.

When the Return is approved, the stock levels of the Items used will be amended accordingly as will the Nominal Ledger stock valuation of any Stocked Items used (if you have chosen in the Sub Systems setting in the Nominal Ledger to have such Transactions created). You can then raise another Delivery (if you will be sending out a replacement) or a Credit Note (if an Invoice has already been issued and no replacement is required) from the Sales Order screen.

To view Returns already entered, select 'Returned Goods' from the Registers menu in the Stock module, or click the [Returned Goods] button in the Master Control panel. The 'Returned Goods: Browse' window is opened. Returns are normally shown in number order. For each is shown a Return Number, an indication of whether the Return has been approved in the OK column, Date and Comment. As in all Hansa browse windows, you can re-sort the list and search for particular records.