
Entering Contact Persons - Address Card

Hansa will enter the address from the Customer record. Change to a personal or department address if necessary.

Tel, Fax
Entered by Hansa from the Customer record. Change as necessary.

You can use the 'Update Fax Numbers' Maintenance function in the System module to remove spaces and dashes from all Contact Persons' Fax Numbers. This will be necessary if you will be sending faxes through the fax server, in which case fax numbers should not contain non-numeric characters.

The Contact's mobile number.

The email address of the Contact Person. This will be brought to any Customer Letters addressed to this Contact, allowing communication by email in future versions of Hansa.

Alt Phone
Any other contact number such as home telephone or personal fax number can be recorded here.

Date of Birth
The Contact's date of birth. Use the Birthday List report to list Contacts with a particular birthday.