Entering a Purchase Order - Items Card

Use the grid on the 'Items' card to list the Items that you want to order. This grid is divided into four horizontal flips. When you click on a flip tab (marked A-D), the two or three right-hand columns of the grid are replaced.

Before adding any rows to a Purchase Order, ensure that the Currency and conversion rates specified are correct. If conversion rates are specified (on the 'Currency' card), all prices transferred from the Purchase Item register will be converted. However, if the conversion rate is altered after rows have been added, their prices will not be converted.
To add rows to a Purchase Order, click in any field in the first blank row and enter appropriate text. To remove a row, click on the row number on the left of the row and press the Backspace key. To insert a row, click on the row number where the insertion is to be made and press Return. Rows cannot be removed or inserted after Goods Receipts have been created from the Purchase Order.
Flip A
- Item
- Paste Special
Item register
- With the cursor in this field, enter the Item Number or Bar Code for each Item ordered. Pricing, descriptive and other information will be brought in from the Item record. If you leave this field blank, you can enter any text in the Description field, perhaps using the row for additional comments to be printed on Purchase Order documentation.
- If you want Hansa to check if the Item is in fact sold by the Supplier, switch on the Warning If Not Default Supplier option in the Purchase Order Settings setting. If this option is on, Hansa will issue a warning if the Item does not have a related Purchase Item in the name of the Supplier of the Purchase Order. If this option is off, it will be the user's responsibility to ensure that the correct Supplier/Item combination is chosen.
- Qty
- Enter the number of units ordered. Press Return to calculate the Sum, and the cursor will move to the Item field on the next row.
- This figure refers to the main Unit of the Item (the Unit you use to sell the Item, shown on the 'Pricing' card of the Item record). This may not be the Unit used by the Supplier. For example, your firm might sell an Item in single units, but the Supplier might sell in boxes of 12. If so, "12" should be entered to the Unit Conversion field of the Purchase Item. Then, if you need to order 240 of the Item, enter "240"here as the Quantity. The Sup. Qty field on flip B will be calculated to show "20", i.e. the order quantity from the Supplier's point of view (Quantity divided by Unit Conversion).
- Description
- If the Item has a related Purchase Item in the name of the Supplier of the Purchase Order, the Description will be taken from that Purchase Item record. Any text entered on card 2 of the Purchase Item will also be brought in, taking up as many Purchase Order rows as necessary.
- In other circumstances, the Description will be taken from the Item record.
- Unit Price
- If the Item has a related Purchase Item in the name of the Supplier of the Purchase Order, the Unit Price will be taken from that Purchase Item record.
- If the Purchase Item has a Unit Conversion and a Supplier Unit, then this figure will be the Unit Price per Supplier Unit. For example, your firm might sell an Item in single units, but the Supplier might sell in boxes of 12. If so, "12" should be entered to the Unit Conversion field of the Purchase Item and "Dozen" to the Supplier Unit field. The figure here will be the price per dozen.
- If there is no suitable Purchase Item, the Unit Price will be taken from the 'Costs' card of the Item record.
- The Unit Price includes VAT if the Price Incl. VAT box in the header is checked. In this case, the Price in the Purchase Item or the Unit Price in the Item record (as appropriate) will be treated as including VAT.
- If a Currency and Exchange Rate have been specified in the Purchase Order, the figure shown will be in the Currency concerned (i.e. having undergone currency conversion).
- %
- A discount percentage.
- Sum
- The total for the row: Supplier Quantity (from flip B) multiplied by Unit Price less Discount. Changing this figure will cause the Discount Percentage to be recalculated.
- Note that even if the Unit Price has been taken from the Purchase Item record, any Price Factor entered for the Item will be taken into account.
- This figure will be rounded up or down according to rounding rules set for the Currency in the Currency Round Off setting in the System module.
- V-Cd
- Paste Special
VAT Codes setting, Nominal Ledger
- When a Purchase Invoice is raised from this Order, the VAT Code entered here will determine the rate at which VAT will be charged on this Item and the VAT Account to be debited. A default is offered, taken from the Supplier record. If none is specified, the default is taken from the Item, the Item Group or from card 3 of the Account Usage P/L setting. In the last three cases, the appropriate VAT Code for the Zone of the Supplier will be used. This default can be changed for a particular Order row if necessary.
Flip B
- Purch Acc
- Paste Special
Account register, Nominal Ledger/System module
- Default taken from Purchase Control Account of Item Group or from Account Usage S/L
- If the Transfer Each Row Separately option in the Purchase Invoice Settings setting is in use, this Account will be debited in the Nominal Ledger Transaction generated from the Purchase Invoice resulting from this Purchase Order row.
- If the Transfer Account and Object to Goods Receipt option in the Purchase Order Settings setting is in use, this Account will be copied to the Stock Account field in the appropriate row of any Goods Receipt created from this Purchase Order. It will then be debited in the Nominal Ledger Transaction resulting from that Goods Receipt.
- Objects
- Paste Special
Object register, Nominal Ledger/System module
- Default taken from Item
- Up to 20 Objects, separated by commas, can be assigned to this row and all transactions generated from it. You might define separate Objects to represent different departments, cost centres or product types. This provides a flexible method of profit centre analysis that can be used in Nominal Ledger reports.
- In the Nominal Ledger Transaction generated from Purchase Invoices resulting from this Purchase Order, any Objects specified here will be assigned to the debit posting to the Purchase Account. This assignment will merge these Objects with those of the parent Order (shown on the 'Date' card).
- If the Transfer Account and Object to Goods Receipt option in the Purchase Order Settings setting is in use, this Object will be copied to the Objects field in the appropriate row of any Goods Receipt created from this Purchase Order. It will then be assigned to the debit posting in the Nominal Ledger Transaction resulting from that Goods Receipt.
- Sup. Item
- The code allocated to the Item by this Supplier. This is shown as the main Item Code on the Purchase Order document. If the Item has been registered as a Purchase Item and if the Supplier of the Purchase Order is the same as the Supplier entered for the Purchase Item, then Hansa will get the Supplier's code from the Purchase Item record.
- Sup. Qty
- This shows the number of Items the Supplier needs to despatch to fulfil your Purchase Order and is dependent on the Unit Conversion field in the Purchase Item record. For example, your firm might sell an Item in single units, but the Supplier might sell in boxes of 12. If so, "12" should be entered to the Unit Conversion field of the Purchase Item. Then, if you need to order 240 of the Item, enter "240" as the Quantity on flip A. The Sup. Qty field will be calculated to show "20", i.e. the order quantity from the Supplier's point of view (Quantity divided by Unit Conversion). This figure is shown as the Quantity on the Purchase Order document.
- Altering this figure will cause the Quantity field to be amended appropriately (i.e. Sup. Qty multiplied by Unit Conversion).
- If the Purchase Item does not have a Unit Conversion, or there is no Purchase Item, then this figure will be the same as the Quantity on flip A.
Flip C
- Received
- In this field, Hansa will enter the number of units received against this Purchase Order. The field will be updated automatically by the 'Goods Receipt' function on the Operations menu. Only quantities on approved Goods Receipts are included in the figure. This feature makes it easy to follow up on part shipments.
- If the Automatic receiving of Service and Plain Items option in the Stock Settings setting in the Stock module is being used, these fields will be changed to show the Order Quantity when the Purchase Order is saved if the Item is a Plain or Service Item. This means that Purchase Invoices for such Items can be created immediately without the need for a Goods Receipt, and that these Items will not appear on any Goods Receipts. It also means that the Order Quantity for such Items cannot be reduced once the Purchase Order has been saved.
- Invoiced
- The quantity invoiced for each Order row is amended automatically when Invoices are raised using the 'Invoice' function on the Operations menu. The quantity shown is taken from approved Invoices only. Invoices cannot be raised until Goods Receipts have been made and approved. In the case of partial Goods Receipts, Invoices can only be raised for the quantity delivered.
- Project
- If the Job Costing module is being used and a single Purchase Order row is related to a Project, enter its Project Number here. If the whole Purchase Order is related to a Project, use the Project field on the 'Terms' card.
- WS
- Purchase Orders can be generated for spare parts from the Service Orders module using the 'Make Purchase Order' function on the Operations menu of the Work Order screen. Such Purchase Orders could feature several Items when there is more than one Work Sheet related to the Work Order from which they were generated. This field will carry a record of the Work Sheet to which each row is related. Please refer here for full details of this feature.
Flip D
- Plan. Del.
- Paste Special
Current Date
- Specify here the date on which you need to receive this Item into stock, if this is different to the Planned Delivery Date on the 'Terms' card. The format of this field is determined by the Planned Delivery setting. Available options are free text, date, week number or year-week (4 characters).
- Comment
- Any further details about the Item can be recorded here.

In addition to the Currency, the Purchase Order Footer contains various running totals as described below. Whenever a Purchase Order row is added or changed, these totals are updated.
- OK
- The Purchase Order can be approved by clicking this check box. Once this has been done, the Purchase Order will no longer be modifiable.
- A Purchase Order does not have to be approved for goods to be received against it or for its Items to be included in the Purchase Order total displayed by the 'Item Status' function. Nevertheless, once a Purchase Order has been finalised and printed, it should be approved because the functions that create Purchase Orders automatically will sometimes add Items to existing unapproved Purchase Orders instead of creating new ones.
- References in these web pages to approved Purchase Orders are to those whose OK check box has been switched on.
- Currency
- Paste Special
Currency register, System module
- Default taken from Supplier or Default Base Currency
- The Currency of the Purchase Order: the exchange rate is shown on the 'Currency' card where it can be modified only for this particular Purchase Order if necessary. Ensure that the correct Currency is shown (that in which you are to be invoiced) before any Items are added to the Purchase Order. This is to ensure that prices are converted correctly: prices of Items added to the Purchase Order before the Currency was specified cannot be converted retrospectively. Leave the field blank to use the home Currency (unless you have set a Default Base Currency, in which case this will be offered as a default and should be treated as your home Currency).
- If the Supplier record has a Currency specified on the 'Company' card, only that Currency can be used. Otherwise, any Currency can be used.
- The VAT total for the Purchase Order.
- This figure is rounded up or down according to rounding rules set for the Currency (in the Currency Round Off setting in the System module). If no Currency has been specified, or the Currency in question has not been entered in the Currency Round Off setting, the rounding rules are taken from the Round Off setting (also in the System module).
- VAT is calculated after the Sum of each row has been rounded up or down according to rounding rules set in the Currency Round Off setting.
- Sum
- The total for the Purchase Order, excluding VAT.
- The total for the Purchase Order, including VAT.
- This figure is rounded up or down according to rounding rules set for the Currency (in the Currency Round Off setting in the System module). If no Currency has been specified, or the Currency in question has not been entered in the Currency Round Off setting, the rounding rules are taken from the Round Off setting (also in the System module).