Purchase Order Accruals
This report is very similar to the Accrued option of the
Purchase Order Status report. However, whereas that report only lists Purchase Orders that satisfy the report criteria against which goods but not Invoices have been received, this one lists all Purchase Orders satisfying the report criteria.
For each Purchase Order, the Items are listed individually showing the Item Number, Name, Cost Account, value and any Objects, together with quantities ordered, received, invoiced and awaiting invoicing. At the Purchase Order level, the Purchase Order Number, Supplier Number and Name, Objects and Planned Delivery Date are shown.
This report requires Items to be specified on flip B of Purchase Invoices. This will happen automatically when Purchase Invoices are created from Purchase Orders if either the Consolidate by Items and Project option or the Transfer Each Row Separately option in the Purchase Invoice Settings setting is in use.
- Purchase Order
- Range Reporting
- Use this field to limit the report to a single Purchase Order, or range of Purchase Orders.
- Period
- Paste Special
Reporting Periods setting, System module
- Enter the start and end dates of the reporting period. The first record in the Reporting Periods setting is offered as a default.
- Supplier
- Paste Special
Supplier register
- Range Reporting Alpha
- To limit the report to Purchase Orders to a single Supplier (or Suppliers), enter a Supplier Number (or range of Supplier Numbers separated by a colon) here.
- Object (from Header)
- Paste Special
Object register, System module
- To limit the report to Purchase Orders containing a single Object, enter that Object here. This refers to Objects entered at Order level, not those entered for Order rows. If you enter a number of Objects separated by commas, only those Purchase Orders featuring all the Objects listed will be shown.
- Object Type
- Paste Special
setting, Nominal Ledger
- To show Purchase Orders containing Objects belonging to a particular Object Type, enter that Object Type here. This refers to Objects entered at Order level, not those entered for Order rows.
- Object (from Row)
- Paste Special
Object register, System module
- To limit the report to Purchase Orders with rows containing a single Object, enter that Object here. If you enter a number of Objects separated by commas, only those Purchase Orders with rows featuring all the Objects listed will be shown.
- Account
- Paste Special
Account register, System module
- To limit the report to Purchase Orders with rows with a particular Cost Account on flip B, enter that Account here.
- As at:
- For each Purchase Order row, the quantities ordered, received, invoiced and awaiting invoicing are shown. If you would like these quantities to be calculated for a particular date, enter that date here.
- Specify
- By default only approved Purchase Orders are shown in the report. You can use these options to include closed and unapproved Purchase Orders as well.