
Purchase Order Journal

This report shows registered Purchase Orders. You can make selections for an range of Purchase Orders, for a period, or for a specific Supplier.

When printed to screen, the Purchase Order Journal has Hansa's Drill-down feature. Click on any Purchase Order Number to open an individual Purchase Order record.

Purchase Order
Range Reporting    Numeric
Use this field to limit the report to a single Purchase Order, or range of Purchase Orders.

Paste Special    Reporting Periods setting, System module
Enter the start and end dates of the reporting period.

Paste Special    Supplier register
To limit the report to Purchase Orders to a single Supplier, enter a Supplier Number here.

Paste Special    Purchase Order Classes setting, Purchase Orders module
Enter a Purchase Order Class code to limit the report to Purchase Orders of a single Class.

Paste Special    Locations setting, Stock module
Use this field to limit the report to Purchase Orders for Items intended for a single stock Location (specified on the 'Del Address' card of the Purchase Order).

Use these options to specify the level of detail in the report.
The default setting for this report is Overview, which results in a report with the most important order journal data in a table format.

Clicking this button will result in a report with all available data.