Texts for Reminders
Hansa can print Reminders to Customers with delayed payments. A separate
Reminder document can be printed for each overdue Invoice, containing a message of increasing severity that depends on the number of previous Reminders. These messages are entered using this setting.
On double-clicking 'Texts for Reminders' in the 'Settings' list, the 'Reminders: Browse' window is displayed, showing all Reminder Texts previously entered. Double-click an item in the list to edit, or add a new record by clicking the [New] button in the Button Bar. When the record is complete, click the [Save] button in the Button Bar to save it.
- Language
- Paste Special
Languages setting, System module
- You can enter one set of Reminders for each Language. When you next print a Reminder from an Invoice, its message will be in the Language of the Invoice (shown on the 'Identifiers' card).
- It can be useful to enter a set of Reminders with a blank Language field. This set will be used for Invoices with no Language, and for Invoices with a Language for which there are no Reminders. For example, if the Language of an Invoice is German and you have no German set of Reminders, the set of Reminders with a blank Language field will be used.
- Comment
- Enter a descriptive name for this set of Reminders.
- Reminder 1, 2, 3
- Use these fields to enter three messages of increasing severity.
- Each Invoice contains a Reminder Level (visible on the 'Delivery' card) indicating how many previous Reminders have been sent. When you next print a Reminder for an Invoice, the message it contains will be chosen depending on the Reminder Level of the Invoice. For example, if the Reminder Level of an Invoice is 2, the message will be taken from the Reminder 2 field in this setting, and so on. If the Reminder Level of an Invoice is greater than 3, a Reminder document will be printed, but it will not contain a message.
Reminders are printed using the 'Documents' function, addressed to Customers whose Reminder check box on the
'Terms' card of the Customer screen is switched on. This function is described