
Printing Invoices - Invoices in Different Languages

If you have Customers in England and France and thus require Invoices to be printed in the appropriate Language, follow this procedure:
  1. Using the Form register in the System module, design the English and French Invoices and name them "INVENG" and "INVFRE". Use the 'Properties' function on the Operations menu to assign a Document Type of "Invoice" (in both cases).

  2. Select the Sales Ledger module using the Modules menu.

  3. Select 'Documents' from the File menu or click [Documents] in the Master Control panel. The 'Documents' list window is opened showing a list of available documents. Highlight 'Invoices'.

  4. Select 'Define Document' from the Operations menu.

  5. In the first row, enter the name of the default Invoice for your local Customers ("INVENG"). Use the 'Paste Special' feature to see the available forms in your Form register and to ensure the spelling is correct. On the second line, specify French as the Language and the French Invoice ("INVFRE") as the Form.

    You can use classifications other than Language in the Language field, and use this feature for other purposes. One example is if you want to use Invoices with different layouts for different types of sales. You can then define a fictitious Language Code, and use it to select the correct form. You can also enter a Delivery Mode in this field, permitting different Invoice layouts to be used depending on the Delivery Mode.

  6. Click [Save] to save the Invoice definition. From now on, French-speaking Customers will automatically receive Invoices using the "INVFRE" Form and others will receive the "INVENG" Form with no user intervention. This process can be repeated for virtually all documents in Hansa.