
Item/Quantity Statistics

This report in the Sales Ledger can be seen as providing a printed version of the 'Item Status' window. For each Item in the selection, the report shows the Minimum Stock Level and the quantities currently in stock, on order awaiting delivery and on approved Purchase Orders awaiting receipt. Finally, the quantities sold this month, this year and the previous year are also shown: these figures are calculated from approved Invoices.

Paste Special    Item register
Range Reporting    Alpha
Use this field to limit the report to a single Item, or range of Items.

An Item will not be included in the report if it has not been used during the current or previous financial year.

Paste Special    Locations setting, Stock module
Enter a Location here if you would like all figures shown in the report to refer to that Location. If this field is blank, the figures will relate to all Locations.

Include Structured Items
Structured Items will always be included in the report, and their current stock levels will usually be shown to be zero. This is because Structured Items are built at the moment of delivery: they cannot be built in advance or kept in stock. However, if you would like the report to show the quantities that can be built from the current stock of components, check this box.