
VAT Customer Sales

This report is a simple list of Customers showing total sales including VAT in the report period. The Customers are listed in VAT Registration Number order. The information is taken from approved Invoices. Invoice rows using VAT Codes whose Real Sales field on flip B is set to 'Exclude from Official Invoices' will not be included.

Paste Special    Reporting Periods setting, System module
Enter a start and end date for the report.

Paste Special    Customer register
Range Reporting    Alpha
If necessary, enter here the Customer Number of the Customer (or range of Customers) you wish to have shown in the report.

Note: all Customers in the range should have VAT Registration Numbers specified. The report calculates sales for each VAT Number, not for each Customer. If more than Customer in the range is without a VAT Number, each of their sales totals will be the total for all Customers without a VAT Number.

Paste Special    Customer Categories setting, Sales Ledger
If you want to restrict the report to Customers of a particular Category, specify that Category here.

Paste Special    Person register, System module
If you want to restrict the report to Invoices with a particular Salesman, enter that Salesman's initials here.

Paste Special    Customer Classifications setting, CRM module (if installed)
Enter a Classification Code in this field if you want to report on Customers with a certain Classification. If you enter a number of Classifications separated by commas, only those Customers featuring all the Classifications listed will be shown.

Min. Amount
Enter a figure here if you only want to list Customers whose sales including VAT in the report period exceed that figure. If you choose to print using the Exact Notation (below), an exact figure must be entered here. If you choose to print using the Thousands Notation, enter the exact figure divided by one thousand. For example, if you want to list Customers whose sales total including VAT exceeds 10,000 during the report period, enter "10,000" if you are using the Exact Notation or "10" if you are using the Thousands Notation.

Use these options to control the level of detail shown in the report.
This is a simple list of Customers, showing for each their VAT Registration Number and total sales including VAT during the report period.

In addition to the information shown in the Overview, this option lists per Customer the total sales excluding VAT and total VAT.

Detailed With Invoices
This is similar to the Detailed option, but also lists the Invoices (showing Invoice Number and Date) that contribute towards the total figures.
The report can show exact amounts, or amounts divided by one thousand. If the latter option is chosen and the Min. Amount (above) is blank, the Min. Amount is effectively set to 1,000 as Customers whose sales are less than that will not be listed.