Entering a Purchase Invoice - Terms Card

- Pay Term
- Paste Special
Payment Terms setting, Sales/Purchase Ledger
- Default taken from Supplier
- Payment Terms entered here will determine the Due Date (below). Payment Terms records entered using the Sales Ledger setting can enable a system of early settlement discounts to be established.
- Specifying Payment Terms for each Invoice provides the basis for the payment recommendation reports provided in Hansa.
- Payment Terms are also the means by which Cash Notes and Credit Notes are distinguished from ordinary Invoices. Using 'Paste Special', select a Payment Term record of the "Cash" or "Credit Note" type respectively. When the record is then approved and saved, the appropriate Nominal Ledger Transaction will be created. In the case of Cash Notes, this will credit the Cash Account (as specified in the Account Usage P/L setting) rather than the Creditor Account, while in the case of Credit Notes, the Transaction will be a reversal of the original Invoice Transaction.
- Cash Notes are immediately treated as paid and so will not appear in your creditor reports. There is no need to enter a Payment against them.
- When a Payment Term of the "Credit Note" type is selected, enter the number of the Invoice to be credited in the Cred. field, using 'Paste Special' if necessary to bring up a list of open (unpaid) Invoices.
- In the Baltic States, there are circumstances where Purchase Invoices should follow the same number sequence as that used by Payments and Cash Out records. For this to happen, define the number sequences using the right-hand From and To fields on flip C of the Payment Modes setting and check the Common Number Series box in the Cash Book Settings setting in the Cash Book module. Then, enter a Payment Mode to this field: the Purchase Invoice Number will change to one in the correct sequence. When the Invoice is approved, it is treated as paid and no posting to a Creditor Account is made. Instead, a credit posting is made to the Account of the Payment Mode (i.e. a bank or cash Account). In some installations, Payment Modes may be shown in the 'Paste Special' list.
- Cash Discount
- The amount of the cash discount, if any. The figure will be calculated from the TOTAL using the formula attached to the specified Payment Term record.
- Reference
- Record here any additional code by which the Purchase Invoice can be identified: it can be printed on the Payment Order document.
- Hold
- Check this box if you wish to prevent this Purchase Invoice from being paid. You can do this after the Invoice has been approved.
- Prel Book.
- Used for preliminary (temporary) booking of Purchase Invoices. If this option is used, a Nominal Ledger Transaction is generated for the preliminary booking. Normal VAT and Cost Account postings take place, but, instead of the usual Creditor Account, a preliminary Account (defined on card 1 of the Account Usage P/L setting) is credited. As long as the Purchase Invoice is in the temporary state, the Cost Accounts of any of the Purchase Invoice rows may be changed. When the Purchase Invoice is approved, a new Nominal Ledger Transaction is created, reversing the posting to the preliminary Account, replacing it with a debit to the normal Creditor Account. Any change in the Cost Accounts used will also be reflected in this Transaction.
- This check box is described in more detail on the Preliminary Booking page.
- Supp. Info. on Trans
- When a Nominal Ledger Transaction is generated automatically from this Purchase Invoice, use this option if you would like to have the Invoice Number, Due Date and Supplier shown on flip E of the Transaction. This applies to the posting to the Creditor Account only.
- The check box will be on by default if you are using the Supp. Info. on Trans. option on card 1 of the Account Usage P/L setting.
- Due Date
- The last day for payment of this invoice, calculated by Hansa using the Invoice Date and the Payment Terms. This field can be changed, even after the Invoice has been approved. If you receive an extended credit time for this Invoice, it will be re-scheduled in your Purchase Ledger.
- Discount Date
- The date by which the Invoice is to be paid if a cash discount is to be received. This will be calculated using the formula attached to the specified Payment Term record.
- Cred
- Paste Special
Unpaid Purchase Invoices
- If you are entering a Purchase Credit Note (a "debit note"), enter here the number of the Purchase Invoice being credited. Remember to specify a Payment Term of type "Credit Note" in the Payment Terms field.