Payments Forecast
This report, which, together with the
Receipts Forecast in the Sales Ledger, will be very useful for cash-flow prediction purposes, gives information about outstanding credits (i.e. unpaid
approved Purchase Invoices), sorted by Due Date or Payment Date. This shows how much it is expected the company will have to pay out in the near future.
Purchase Invoices booked in foreign Currencies will be recalculated to the home Currency using the current exchange rates, not the rates used when the Invoice was entered.

- Supplier
- Paste Special
Supplier register
- Use this field to show how much is outstanding to a single Supplier.
- Payments until
- Paste Special
Current Date
- Purchase Invoices whose Due Date falls after the date entered here will not be shown in the report. This field will be used to predict the cash-flow position at a particular date.
- Object
- Paste Special
Object register, System module
- This field can be used to list all outstanding Purchase Invoices with a particular Object. This refers to any Objects entered on the 'Other' card of the Purchase Invoice, not those entered in the Purchase Invoice rows.
- Object Type
- Paste Special
Object Types setting, Nominal Ledger
- This field can be used to list all outstanding Purchase Invoices with Objects of a particular Object Type. Again, this refers to any Objects entered on the 'Other' card of the Purchase Invoice.
- Function
- Use these options to control the appearance of the report.
- Detailed
- The report will contain all outstanding credits.
- Aged
- The report will contain all outstanding credits, sorted and grouped into age groups.
- Pay Date
- Use these options to select whether the report is to assume payment will be made on the Due Date of each Purchase Invoice, or on the Discount Date.
- Status
- It is possible to include all Purchase Invoices in the report, or only those where the Hold box has not been checked.
- Include
- Usually only approved Purchase Invoices will be shown in the report. Check one or both of these boxes if you want unapproved and/or preliminary Purchase Invoices to be shown as well.