Purchase Invoice Journal
This report is a chronological listing of the
Supplier Invoices entered during the specified period. You can control the selection to show a range of Invoice Numbers or Invoices received from a particular Supplier. The type of Invoice can also be selected.

- No.
- Range Reporting
- Enter a range of Purchase Invoices to include in the report.
- Period
- Paste Special
Reporting Periods setting, System module
- Enter the report period. The first row of the Reporting Periods setting is used as a default.
- Supplier
- Paste Special
Supplier register
- If necessary, limit the report to a single Supplier.
- Signer
- Paste Special
Person register, System module
- Enter a Person's initials to list all Purchase Invoices signed by that Person in the report period.
- Object
- Paste Special
Object register, System module
- This field can be used to list all Purchase Invoices with a particular Object. This refers to any Objects entered on the 'Other' card of the Purchase Invoice, not those entered in the Purchase Invoice rows. If you enter a number of Objects separated by commas, only those Purchase Invoices featuring all the Objects listed will be shown.
- Object Type
- Paste Special
Object Types setting, Nominal Ledger
- This field can be used to list all Purchase Invoices with Objects of a particular Object Type. Again, this refers to any Objects entered on the 'Other' card of the Purchase Invoice.
- Row Object
- Paste Special
Object register, System module
- This field can be used to list all Purchase Invoices with a particular Object. This refers to any Objects entered in the Purchase Invoice rows. Only those rows with the appropriate Object will be shown in the report. If you enter a number of Objects separated by commas, only those Purchase Invoice rows featuring all the Objects listed will be shown.
- Project
- Paste Special
Project register, Job Costing module
- Use this field to list Purchase Invoices related to a single Project. Only those rows with the appropriate Project Number entered on flip B will be shown in the report.
- Salesman
- Paste Special
Person register, System module
- To list Purchase Invoices of a single Salesman, enter their initials here.
- Sales Group
- Paste Special
Sales Groups setting, System module
- To list Purchase Invoices with a particular Sales Group (shown on the 'Other' card), enter that Sales Group here.
- Only Prel Booked Invoices
- Check this box to list only those Supplier Invoices marked as preliminary.
- Only On Hold Invoices
- Use this option to list only those Supplier Invoices whose Hold box has been checked.
- Function
- Specify here the level of detail required in the report.
- Overview
- This choice gives a report with one row per Invoice, showing the Purchase Invoice Number, Date, Supplier's Invoice Number, Supplier, Total and Currency. Purchase Invoices in Currency are not converted to the home Currency.
- Detailed
- In addition to the information shown above, this options shows for each row of each Invoice, the Account Code, Description, VAT Amount and Sum is shown. You can use this report as an archive file instead of a copy of each Invoice.
- Status
- Specify here whether approved and unapproved Purchase Invoices are to be included in the report.
- Invoice Type
- Check the boxes to include Purchase Invoices of different types.