
Account Transfer - The 'Account Balance Transfer' Maintenance function

Once a set of rules has been defined using the Account Transfer setting as described here, the 'Account Balance Transfer' Maintenance function will use it to create a new record in the Simulation or Transaction register containing the necessary postings.

To use this function, first open the 'Maintenance' list by selecting 'Maintenance' from the File menu. Double-click 'Account Balance Transfer' in the list. The following dialogue box appears:

Balance Date
Paste Special    Current Date
The balances to be transferred are calculated using a period that ends with the date entered here. This date will also be the start date of the period the next time the function is used for the same Accounts.

If the function has not been used before, the date of the first Transaction will be used as the start date. This may be too early if you have Transactions for several years in your database. In this case, it is recommended that you obtain the correct start date by running the function to create a temporary Simulation using the day before that start date as the Balance Date. Then run the function once again to create the required Simulation or Transaction, this time entering the appropriate Balance Date. Then, if necessary, delete the temporary Simulation.

If you do not enter a date here, the function will have no effect.

Trans Date
Paste Special    Current Date
Enter a date to be used as the Transaction Date in the Transaction or Simulation created by the function. If you do not enter a date, the Balance Date (above) will be used.

Account Transfer
Paste Special    Account Transfer setting, Nominal Ledger
Enter the Code of a record in the Account Transfer setting. This will determine whether the function will create a Simulation or a Transaction and will specify the Accounts from which balances are to be transferred and the Accounts which are to receive those balances.
Click the [Run] button in the Button Bar to run the function. When it has finished, you will be returned to the 'Maintenance' list window.