VAT Listing
This report lists the transactions used in calculating the VAT Return (produced using the
VAT Report). For each transaction, the total including and excluding VAT, the VAT total, the overall VAT percentage and the Currency are shown.
- Period
- Paste Special
Reporting Periods setting, System module
- Enter the period to be covered in the report. The default value is the first period in the Reporting Periods setting.
- Specify
- You can choose to have Sales Invoices, Purchase Invoices, Expenses, inward and outgoing cash transactions and/or Nominal Ledger Transactions listed in the report. At least one section must be chosen or the report will be blank. For each section, the list of transactions will be followed by a list of VAT Codes used by those transactions, together with totals. If you don't need the transactions to be listed and just want a single line summary of each section, use the Show Totals Only option.
- Select
- The report can show all Transactions or just those with or without VAT.