
Monthly P/L Report

This Export function allows you to export the Profit & Loss report to file. The Profit & Loss report shows the sales turnover achieved by your company in the specified period. It also shows the total cost of sales and thus the gross profit, and the total overheads and thus the net profit of your business.

If the export period is greater than one month, the export file will contain separate columns for each month.

Paste Special    Reporting Periods setting, System module
The report period. Enter first and last date. The first period in the Reporting Periods setting is the default. For each month that is included in the period, a separate column will be created in the export file.

Paste Special    Object register, Nominal Ledger/System module
Enter an Object Code to reduce the scope of the export. If the field is empty, all Transactions, with and without Objects, are included. If you enter a number of Objects separated by commas, only those Transactions featuring all the Objects listed will be included.

Object Type
Paste Special    Object Types setting, Nominal Ledger
Enter an Object Type Code in this field if you want to limit the export to Transactions with Objects belonging to a certain Object Type.

Including Unspecified
Check this box if, for each Account, you want to export a balance figure for Transactions with Objects belonging to a certain Object Type and a second balance for all other Transactions.

Paste Special    Currency register, System module
If a Currency is entered here, the Profit & Loss export will be calculated using only those Transaction rows with the Currency shown on flip C. The amounts included in the export will be taken from flip C of those Transaction rows: i.e. they will be in the chosen Currency. If the field is blank, all Transaction rows will be included in the report with their amounts taken from the Base 1 Debit or Credit fields on flip A.

Paste Special    Languages setting, System module
The Profit & Loss export can be produced in different Languages: enter the required Language Code here. The appropriate translation for each Account Name will be taken from the 'Texts' card of the Account record and for each report heading or sub-heading from the report definition (please refer to the Balance Sheet Definition page for full details).

Select how you want the export file to be formatted.
This option will export all Accounts that have been included in the Profit & Loss report definitions.

Used only
This option will only export Accounts that have been used. This includes Accounts that have balances brought forward from a previous period but that have not been used in the report period.

Groups only
This option does not export balances for individual Accounts. Instead, it simply exports an overall balance for each row as entered in the Profit & Loss report definitions.

Used Groups only
This option only exports balances for rows as entered in the Profit & Loss report definitions that have been used.
Confirm by clicking [Run] (or cancel using the close box). Hansa will open a dialogue box where you can name the export file and specify where it is to be saved.

Enter a name for the file, and click [Save] or press the Enter key.

A message window informs you about the progress of the export process. The process can be interrupted at any time by pressing Esc (Windows) or ⌘-Full Stop (Macintosh).