Search HansaManuals Home >> Standard ERP >> Artiklar och Priser >> Prislistor Föregående Nästa Skriv ut hela kapitlet Sök Detta avser program version 4.0 The Price Register - The 'Calculate Price Lists' Function This function can be run once you have defined Items, Price Formulae and Price Lists. For each Item on each Price List it will calculate a new price using the Formula specified and save it in a Price record. This will result in there being a single, unique, Price record for each Item/Price List combination, making the use of Price Lists in Orders and Invoices extremely fast. As a consequence, each time a price that is used as a base price by a Formula is changed, the function should be run again to update the Price records. The function should also be used regularly if you have Price Lists in foreign Currencies with exchange rates that change frequently.If, in a particular Price List, the Qty Dep Values option is being used, this function will save to the Quantity Dependent Prices setting instead of the Price register. Again, this setting will feature a single, unique, Price record for each Item/Price List combination. Note, however, that these records will not be updated when the function is run on later occasions. If there is both a Price record and a Quantity Dependent Price record for the same Item/Price List combination, priority will depend on how the Price List has been defined. If the Price List is of Discount Type, the Price record will be used, while if it is of Qty Dep Value Type, the Quantity Dependent Price will be used. To use this function, ensure you are in the Pricing module using the Modules menu and select 'Maintenance' from the File menu. Double-click 'Calculate Price Lists' in the subsequent list. The following dialogue box appears: