Access Groups
Access Groups are a part of Hansa's security system. You can define a number of Access Groups, each of which can be allowed access to one or more parts of the program. Each member of personnel, when entered to the
Person register, can then be allocated to the relevant Access Group.
Double-click on 'Access Groups' in the 'Settings' list to open the 'Access Groups: Browse' window. A list of the defined Groups is shown:

To create a new Access Group, click [New] in the Button Bar. To edit an existing record, double-click one of the items in the list.
In either case, the following window appears:

Members of the Access Group "ORDER" in the above illustration will have access to two modules - Sales Orders and Stock. The Sales Orders module is featured in the first row of the grid, so this will be the active module when they first log in to Hansa. They will be allowed access to all functions within those modules, except the Number Series - Goods Receipts setting. In this manner, you can determine in great detail to which parts of Hansa the members of each Access Group have access.
As you create Access Groups, give each a unique identifier in the Code field, and enter a description in the Text field.
The grid is used to determine the areas of Hansa to which members of the Access Group will be given access, and the level of that access. You can allow or disallow access to any module or any component of a module (such as a particular register or setting).
First, specify the component in the Type field, using the 'Paste Special' function to show a full list of the components available:

Next, use the second field in the grid to specify the individual item. For example, if you enter "Modules" in the Type field, the 'Paste Special' list from the Item field will contain a list of modules:

The list will show all Hansa's modules, including those that you may not have installed. Make sure you only select modules that are included in your particular installation of Hansa.
As illustrated below, if you enter "Action" in the Type field, the 'Paste Special' list from the Item field will contain a list of functions to which you can restrict access if necessary. These include the checking of the OK box in transactions of all kinds, the Operations menu functions and some miscellaneous features such as deleting records.

If you enter "Reports" in the Type field, 'Paste Special' from the Item field will list all reports, and so on.
Finally, use the last column to determine the access level of the Group. A further 'Paste Special' list displays the available options:

'Read', 'Read/New', 'Browse' and 'Browse/New' should only be applied to registers or settings, as follows:
- Browse
- Allows access to the browse and 'Paste Special' windows only. Searches can be performed. Records cannot be entered or modified.
- Browse/New
- Allows access to the browse and 'Paste Special' windows and the creation of new records. Existing records cannot be viewed, changed or copied.
- Read
- Allows access to the browse window and the double-clicking of items so that they can be viewed in an inspect window. Records cannot be entered or modified.
- This attribute can also be applied to reports, allowing them to be printed to screen but not to a printer or to a text file.
- Read/New
- Allows access to the browse window and the double-clicking of items so that they can be viewed in an inspect window. New records can be created. Existing records cannot be modified, but they can be copied.
If you want to allow 'Paste Special' access to a register or setting to which access is otherwise denied, you should grant Browse or Read access to that register or setting. For example, if a user only has access to the Sales Ledger, you should grant them Browse or Read access to the
Account register if you want them to be able to choose Sales Accounts in
You can allocate access to the various parts of Hansa using one of two methods, by specifying one of the two Start From alternatives. These can be described as follows:
- No Access
- This option excludes members of the Access Group from all modules except those listed in the grid. You should use the first row(s) of the grid to specify the module(s) that members of the Access Group are to be allowed to use, selecting 'Full' in the third 'Paste Special' list. This will give full access to those modules (including to all registers, settings and reports). You can then exclude users from particular parts of those modules if necessary. No access will be given to modules that you have not listed.
- Full Access
- If this option is used, members of the Access Group will be allowed full access everywhere except those areas listed in the grid.
Note that it is only possible to restrict access to Persons that belong to an Access Group. Persons that do not belond to an Access Group will have full access to your Hansa system.