Entering, Inspecting and Changing Accounts - Misc Card

- Auto. Trans.
- Paste Special
Autotransactions setting, Nominal Ledger
- You can link an Autotransaction with a particular Account by entering the code of the Autotransaction in this field. When the Account number is entered in a Transaction record, the Autotransaction will be entered on the following rows automatically.
- VAT Code
- Paste Special
VAT Codes setting, Nominal Ledger
- A VAT Code can be assigned to each Account. It will be entered automatically every time the Account is used in a Purchase Invoice or Nominal Ledger Transaction.
- Currency
- Paste Special
Currency register, System module
- An Account can be assigned a foreign Currency. It will be used automatically every time the Account is used in a Transaction. Only postings in that Currency will be permitted. If no Currency is assigned to the Account, postings in all Currencies will be permitted.
- Account Type
- An Account can belong to one of five types: Assets, Liabilities, Equity, Revenues or Expenses. This information is used to control how the balance of this Account will be stored, as a negative or a positive figure. Assets and costs are treated as positive values, while accounts for liabilities, equity, and incomes are treated as negative. If it is necessary to change the sign of negative (credit) values for reporting purposes, use the Presentation of Balances setting in the Nominal Ledger.
- SRU Code
- This field is required in Sweden where the SIE Export function in the Nominal Ledger is used to export accounting information in a standard format to other systems. The SRU Code is a form of classification used by this export to group Accounts of a particular type together. For more details, please contact your local Hansa representative.
- Consolidation Acc
- Please click here for details of this field.
- Accrual
- Paste Special
N/L Accruals setting, Nominal Ledger
- You can link an Account with a particular record in the N/L Accruals setting by entering the Code of the N/L Accrual in this field. When the Account number is entered in an Invoice or Purchase Invoice, this reference to the N/L Accrual record will be brought in automatically.
- Normal Amount
- Click one or both of the check boxes to indicate what type of posting is the usual for the Account. If you use this option, and try to debit an Account usually used for credit, Hansa will alert you to the possible error.
- Closed
- Check this box if you want to close the Account for further Transactions. You will no longer be able to use it, and it will not appear in the 'Paste Special' selection window. If you want to open the Account again later, you simply click in the box again to remove the check mark.
- Group Account
- This check box is designed for use in Portugal, where hierarchical Charts of Accounts including report headings and subtotals are commonly used.
- The Accounts in an example section of such a Chart of Accounts might be defined as follows:
A/C | Group Acc. Box | Name | Comment | 70 | On | Banks | Shows total amount in all banks | 701 | On | Current Accounts | Shows total amount in current accounts (7011+7012) | 7011 | On | Bank 1 | Shows total amount in current accounts in bank 1 (70111+70112) | 70111 | Off | Curr. Account 1 | Receipts and Payments post to this Account | 70112 | Off | Curr. Account 2 | Receipts and Payments post to this Account | 7012 | On | Bank 2 | Shows total amount in current accounts in bank 2 (70121+70122) | 70121 | Off | Curr Account 3 | Receipts and Payments post to this Account | 70122 | Off | Curr. Account 4 | Receipts and Payments post to this Account | 702 | On | Deposit Accounts | Shows total amount in deposit accounts |
- The report headings are entered to the Account register in the form of separate records. The Group Account box is switched on for these records, Accounts 70, 701, 7011, 7012 and 702 in the example. Because the Group Account box is on, you will not be able to post to these Accounts, and they will not appear in the 'Paste Special' selection window. Their purpose is solely to appear as report headings (together with subtotals) in the Analytical Balance report in the Nominal Ledger, when the 'With Group Accounts' Presentation option is used. They will not appear in other reports, even when the option to show unused Accounts is chosen.
- The report heading hierarchy is established using the initial digits of the Account Number. So, in the example Account 70 shows the total amount in all banks, establishing that all Accounts and Group Accounts concerned with banks should begin with "70". Account 701 shows the total amount in current accounts, so all Accounts and Group Accounts concerned with current accounts should begin with "701" and so on. The Accounts with five digits (70111, 70112, 70121 and 70122) are the only ones which can be used in transactions, the others show subtotals of the balances of these Accounts in various combinations.
- Reduce Minorities
- Please click here for full details of this check box.