
Entering a Delivery - Packaging Card

The number of packages used to make up the Delivery is calculated automatically from the number for each row (shown on flip F of the 'Items' card). Alternatively you can enter a total number of packages manually. If you would like this information to be printed on the Freight Label and other Delivery documentation, include the "Number of Packages" field in your Form designs.

Transport No.
An optional transport number, e.g. bill of lading number or consignment note number. This information will be printed on the Freight Label, Delivery Note and Picking List if you have included the "Transport Number" field in your Form designs, and will be shown in the 'Deliveries: Browse' window.

You can have Transport Numbers generated automatically, using difference sequences for each Delivery Mode. This can be useful if, for example, you have pre-numbered stationery that you fill in for each Delivery. Define the sequences in your Delivery Mode records, and check the Use Series For Transport No box. Whenever you create a Delivery from an Order using a Delivery Mode where you have done this, and whenever you specify such a Delivery Mode in a Delivery yourself, the next number in the sequence will be placed here automatically. You can change the number if necessary: there is no check that the number you choose has been used before or is in the range specified in the Delivery Mode record.

Default taken from    Items
This field will contain a calculated value based on the Delivery Quantity and the Weight of the Items. If you change the Weight of one of the Items or if this figure becomes inaccurate for any other reason, use the 'Recalculate Weight' function on the Operations menu to update this field.

Default taken from    Items
This field will contain a calculated value based on the Delivery Quantity and the Volume of the Items. If you change the Volume of one of the Items or if this figure becomes inaccurate for any other reason, use the 'Recalculate Weight' function on the Operations menu to update this field.

From City
If appropriate, specify here the city from which the Delivery is to be made. This information can appear on delivery documentation.

To City
If appropriate, specify here the city to which the Delivery is to be made. This information can appear on delivery documentation.

From Dock
If appropriate, specify here the port or airport from which the Delivery is to be made. This information can appear on delivery documentation.

To Dock
If appropriate, specify here the port or airport to which the Delivery is to be made. This information can appear on delivery documentation.

Transport Directives
If appropriate, enter any special handling instructions for the Delivery here. This information can appear on delivery documentation.