Entering a Goods Receipt - Comment Card

- Comment
- A comment regarding the current Goods Receipt.
- This comment will be copied to the Text field in the resulting Nominal Ledger Transaction if the Goods Receipt does not have a Supplier (e.g. if you created the Goods Receipt to adjust stock levels after a stocktake). If the Goods Receipt has a Supplier, the Supplier Name will be copied to the Nominal Ledger Transaction instead.
- Objects
- Paste Special
Object register, System module/Nominal Ledger
- Default taken from Contact (Purch. Objects), Purchase Order or Location
- You can assign up to 20 Objects separated by commas to each Goods Receipt. They allow detailed analysis by department or cost centre. Usually these Objects will represent the Supplier or the Location.
- If you created the Goods Receipt from a Purchase Order, the Objects will be copied from there ('Date' card). If you entered the Goods Receipt directly to the Goods Receipt record, the Objects will be brought in when you specify the Supplier. If you created the Goods Receipt using the 'Stocktaking Comparison' Maintenance function, the Objects will be brought in from the Location.
- The Objects specified here will be assigned to the credit posting to the Purchase Accruals Account when a Nominal Ledger Transaction is generated from the Goods Receipt. If you are using the Supplier Object on Stock A/C option on the 'Creditors' card of the Account Usage P/L setting in the Purchase Ledger, they will be assigned to the debit posting to the Stock Account as well.
- PO Contract
- If the Goods Receipt was created from a Purchase Order that in turn was created from a Purchase Order Contract, the Contract Number will appear here. This field cannot be changed.
- Price Incl. VAT
- Default taken from
Purchase Order
- Check this box if the prices entered for the goods received include VAT. For each Item, VAT will be calculated using the VAT Code in the Purch. VAT Code field in the Contact record for the Supplier, in the Item record, the Item Group or from the 'VAT' card of the Account Usage P/L setting.