Entering a Stock Depreciation transaction
From the 'Stock Depreciations: Browse' window, click the [New] button in the Button Bar to open a new Stock Depreciation transaction. Alternatively, if one already exists that is similar to the one you are about to enter, find it in the list, highlight it and click [Duplicate].
The 'Stock Depreciation: New' window is opened, empty if you clicked [New] or containing a duplicate of the highlighted Stock Depreciation transaction.

- No.
- Paste Special
Select from another Number Series
- The number of the Stock Depreciation transaction. The default is the first unused number in the first valid number sequence in the Number Series - Stock Depreciations setting. You may change this number, but not to one that has already been used. If you are working in a multi-user environment, the Stock Depreciation Number is assigned when you first save the record.
- Trans Date
- Paste Special
Choose date
- The Transaction date: the default is the current date.
- If you are using the Queued Cost Model, you must make certain that you enter all stock transactions in strict chronological order. Failure to do this may cause your FIFO/LIFO queue to become incorrect. Do not, for example, enter a Stock Depreciation with yesterday's date if you have already entered an outgoing stock transaction of any kind (e.g. Delivery, Stock Depreciation) with today's. It is also recommended that you always approve Stock Depreciations when you save them for the first time. Do not go back to an earlier unapproved Stock Depreciation and approve it if there are later approved ones, unless you change the date as well.
- Cost A/C
- Paste Special
Account register, Nominal Ledger/System module
- The default debit Account for the Stock Depreciation transaction. You can specify a Cost Account in any of the Stock Depreciation rows, to override the one entered here. The default is the Stock Loss Account specified in the Account Usage Stock setting.
- If you do not enter an Account here or in a Stock Depreciation row, you will not be able to approve the Stock Depreciation record.
- You can bring in a Cost Account by specifying an Account Short Code in the Short Code field to the right.
- Order Class
- Paste Special
Order Classes setting, Sales Orders module
- Enter the Order Class for the Stock Depreciation (if any). Order Classes permit the analysis of records for reporting or prioritising.
- Short Code
- Paste Special
Account Short Codes setting, Nominal Ledger
- You can use Short Codes to help reduce errors when selecting Cost Accounts and Objects. You can also use them if you do not want members of staff using Stock Depreciations to have any access to the Account and Object registers (which means that they will not be able to use 'Paste Special' to choose Accounts and Objects). Enter a Short Code here to bring the appropriate Account and Object(s) into the header fields.
- Location
- Paste Special
Locations setting, Stock module
- The stock Location affected by the Stock Depreciation transaction. The Stock Account of this Location will be credited by the Nominal Ledger Transaction that results from this Stock Depreciation record. If this is blank, or if you do not specify a Location, the Stock Account for the Item Group to which the individual Items belong (if you are using the Use Item Groups for Cost Accounts option in the Cost Accounting setting) or the Stock Account in the Account Usage Stock setting will be credited.
- If you have specified a Main Location in the Stock Settings setting, leaving the field blank means that the default Location will be used. However, if you are using the Require Location option in the same setting, this field must contain a value.
- If the 'Item Status' window is on screen, the quantities shown will refer to the Location specified here. If you have not specified a Location here or on flip B, the quantities will refer to all Locations. This will be the case even if you have specified a Main Location in the Stock Settings setting.
- A default Location can be brought in from the 'Bonus' card of the user's Person record or from the Local Machine setting in the User Settings module. The Local Machine setting is specific to the client machine you are working on.
- You can specify a Location in any of the Stock Depreciation rows (on flip B), to override the one entered here.
- Objects
- Paste Special
Object register, Nominal Ledger/System module
- Specify one or more Objects for the transaction, separated by commas.
- If you created the Stock Depreciation using the 'Stocktaking Comparison' Maintenance function, the Objects will be brought in from the Location.
- In the Nominal Ledger Transaction generated from this Stock Depreciation record, any Objects specified here will be assigned to all debit postings to the Cost (Stock Loss) Account(s), in addition to any Object specified for each row. If you are using the Object on Stock Account option in the Cost Accounting setting, these Objects will also be assigned to all credit postings to the Stock Account, in addition to any Object specified for each row.
- You can bring in a Cost Account by specifying an Account Short Code in the Short Code field to the right.
- Project
- Paste Special
Project register, Job Costing module
- You can link a Stock Depreciation to a Project by entering a Project Number here. When you approve and save the Stock Depreciation, a separate record will be created in the Project Transaction register in the Job Costing module for each Stock Depreciation row. This will be used by the 'Create Project Invoices' Maintenance function to charge the Customer for the depreciated Item(s). In some circumstances it can be useful to use this method instead of raising an Order and Delivery when supplying consumables as part of a Project.
- If the Project has been assigned any Objects, they will not be copied to the Objects field above, but they will appear in the resulting Project Transaction.
- You can specify a Project in any of the Stock Depreciation rows (on flip C), to override the one entered here. Alternatively you can leave this field empty and specify different Projects in any or all of the Stock Depreciation rows as appropriate.
Use the grid that takes up most of the window to list the Items that are to be removed from stock.
Flip A - Item
- Paste Special
Item register
- As with all Item Number fields in HansaWorld Enterprise, enter the Item Number, Alternative Code or Bar Code of the Item.
- If you choose an Item of which there is no stock in the selected Location, it will not be included in the resulting Nominal Ledger Transaction. However, the stock balance of the Item will be reduced (i.e. negative stock will be created) unless you are using the Do Not Allow Over Delivery option in the Stock Settings setting.
- If the Item is a Plain or Service Item, no check for negative stock will be carried out, whatever the setting of the Do Not Allow Over Delivery option. The quantity of the Item in the Location will be adjusted accordingly. The resulting Nominal Ledger Transaction will not contain a value for this row: stock values are not stored for Plain or Service Items.
- Qty
- The quantity of the Item that is to be deducted from stock levels. If you are using the Do Not Allow Over Delivery option in the Stock Settings setting, you will not be able to approve the Stock Depreciation if you have entered a greater figure than the stock balance in the specified Location. Negative quantities are not allowed.
- Description
- The Item Name will be brought in from the Item register when you enter the Item Number. You can change it if necessary.
- Cost A/C
- Paste Special
Account register, Nominal Ledger/System module - You can enter an individual Cost Account for each row, to override that entered for the Stock Depreciation overall.
- You can bring in a Cost Account by specifying an Account Short Code in the Short Code field to the right.
- If you created the Stock Depreciation using the Stocktaking Comparison' Maintenance function, if the Type of the Location is "Production", if the Item belongs to an Item Group and if you are using the Use Item Groups for Cost Accounts option in the Cost Accounting setting, the Usage Variance Account in the Item Group will appear here. In effect, this Account will be used for wastage resulting from the Production process.
- Objects
- Paste Special
Object register, Nominal Ledger/System module
- Default taken from Item
- Specify one or more Objects for the row, separated by commas. Usually these Objects will represent the Item. In the Nominal Ledger Transaction generated from this Stock Depreciation record, any Objects specified here will be assigned to all debit postings to the Cost (Stock Loss) Account resulting from this row. If you are using the Object on Stock Account option in the Cost Accounting setting, these Objects will also be assigned to all credit postings to the Stock Account.
- You can bring in an Object by specifying an Account Short Code in the field immediately to the right.
- Short Code
- Paste Special
Account Short Codes setting, Nominal Ledger
- You can use Short Codes to help reduce errors when selecting Cost Accounts and Objects. You can also use them if you do not want members of staff using Stock Depreciations to have any access to the Account and Object registers (which means that they will not be able to use 'Paste Special' to choose Accounts and Objects). Enter a Short Code here to bring the appropriate Account and Object(s) into the Stock Depreciation row.
Flip B- Serial No.
- Paste Special
Serial Numbers of Items in stock
- If the Item uses Serial Numbers or batch numbers, you must enter a valid number here.
- You must enter Items with Serial Numbers at the Unit level on separate rows each with a quantity of one, to allow you to enter Serial Numbers individually.
- If you have not specified a Location, the 'Paste Special' list will show the Serial Numbers of Items in every Location, with an indication of the Location in which each Item is stored. However, if you have specified a Location in the header or on flip B of the grid, only those Serial Numbers stored in that Location will be shown in the 'Paste Special' list.
- If you are using the No Serial No. on Goods Receipts option in the Stock Settings setting, it will not be compulsory to enter Serial Numbers, and a Quantity greater than one will be allowed.
- Usually, no default Serial Numbers will be offered, so you will need to enter them yourself. There is no automatic FIFO or LIFO allocation.
- Location
- Paste Special
Locations setting, Stock module
- Enter a Location if different from the Location entered in the header.
Flip C- Recipe
- If the Item is a Structured Item whose Paste Components During Entry box is off, its Recipe will be shown here. You should not change it. The Recipe will result in the stock levels of the components being reduced when you approve and save the Stock Depreciation record.
- Project
- Paste Special
Project register, Job Costing module
- You can link a Stock Depreciation row to a Project by entering a Project Number here. When you approve and save the Stock Depreciation, a record will be created in the Project Transaction register in the Job Costing module. This will be used by the 'Create Project Invoices' Maintenance function to charge the Customer for the depreciated Item. In some circumstances it can be useful to use this method instead of raising an Order and Delivery when supplying consumables as part of a Project.
- If the Project has been assigned any Objects, they will not be copied to the Objects field on flip A, but they will appear in the resulting Project Transaction.
- You can use this field if you want to connect the Stock Depreciation row to a different Project to the one specified in the header, or if there is no Project in the header.
- Base Price
- This field shows the unit Base Price (retail price) of the Item in the home Currency, taken from the Item record.
Flip D- FIFO
- The unit value of the Item, to be subtracted from your Nominal Ledger Transaction stock valuation. If the Quantity is greater than one, this field will show the average unit cost value. This figure will be brought in automatically when you approve and save the Stock Depreciation record.
- This figure will be calculated using the Cost Model specified in the relevant Item or Item Group record. If that Cost Model is Default, the Primary Cost Model specified in the Cost Accounting setting will be used. Despite its name, the field therefore shows the FIFO, LIFO, Weighted Average or other value of the Item, depending on the Cost Model.
- Row FIFO
- The total stock value of the Items on this row (unit cost from the FIFO field multiplied by quantity). This figure is brought in automatically when you approve and save the Stock Depreciation record.
- Coeff
- Default taken from
- The Unit Coefficient of the Item is shown here, taken from the 'Stock' card of the Item. If you are maintaining stock quantities using different units of measurement, this coefficient is the ratio between those units of measurement.
Flip E- Position
- Paste Special
Position register, Warehouse Management module - If the Location specified in the header or on flip B is a large one that has been sub-divided into Positions, enter here the Position from where the Item is to be removed. You must specify a Position if the Demand Position option has been checked in the Location in question.
- The Position must be in the correct Location, and it must contain sufficient stock of the correct Item. If you specify a Position that does not meet these criteria, the Stock Depreciation row will be split into two. For example, if the Quantity is 52 and the specified Position contains 25, the Stock Depreciation row will be split into two rows with Quantities of 25 and 27. You can then specify a second Position on the second row if necessary. If the Position has no stock of the Item, or is in the wrong Location, the first row after splitting will have a blank Quantity, and the second row will have the full Quantity.
- The 'Paste Special' list only lists Used Positions (Positions that are not empty).
- Serial No.
- This is a duplicate of the Serial Number field on flip B: please refer to the description of flip B above for details.
- Width, Height, Depth
- Default taken from
- These fields contain the dimensions of the Item.
- If the Item is one that is bought and sold by area or volume, you can have the Depreciation Quantity calculated by multiplying the dimensions together. If you would like to use this feature, first check the Enable Quantity Calculation box in the Item Settings setting in the Sales Ledger. Then, check the Calculate Quantity box for the Unit that has been assigned to the Item. If the Item is bought and sold by area, choose the Two Dimensions option in the Unit record, and the Depreciation Quantity will be calculated once you have entered the Width and Height. If the Item is bought and sold by volume, choose the Three Dimensions option in the Unit record, and the Depreciation Quantity will be calculated once you have entered the Width, Height and Depth. Please refer to the page describing the Units setting for details and an example.
Footer- OK
- Check this box to approve the Stock Depreciation transaction. After approving and saving the transaction, you will not be able to change it.
- If you have so determined in the Sub Systems setting in the Nominal Ledger and in the Number Series - Stock Depreciations setting, a Nominal Ledger Transaction will be created in the Transaction register. The nature of this Transaction is described on the Nominal Ledger Transactions from Stock Depreciation transactions page.
- You can use Access Groups to control who can approve Stock Depreciations. To do this, deny access to the 'OKing Stock Depreciation' Action.
- References in these web pages to approved Stock Depreciation transactions are to those whose OK check box is on.
- Tot. Qty
- This shows the total number of Items in the Stock Depreciation record.
- Comment
- Record any comment about the Stock Depreciation record here, such as the reason for its entry.