
Customer Categories - Header

Specify a unique code, by which the Customer Category can be identified from the Contact screen and elsewhere in HansaWorld Enterprise.

Enter text describing the Customer Category here.

Class. Types
Paste Special    Classification Types setting, CRM module
If you enter a Classification Type (or several Classification Types separated by commas) here and then assign a Contact record to this Category, you will then have to specify a Classification belonging to that Type or Types in that Contact record before you can save it.

If you forget to enter a Classification belonging to a required Classification Type, the following alert will be shown when you try to save the Contact record:

If you have already assigned a Contact record to the Category before you enter a Classification Type in this field, you will be asked to enter an appropriate Classification the next time you open the Contact record.

Classifications are described here.

This field also controls the Assisted Classification Entry feature, described here.