
Entering a Contact - Web Card

Main Classification
Paste Special    Item Classifications setting, Stock module
If you are using the HansaWorld Enterprise Web Shop, you may wish to offer different Items to different Customers. You can do this by dividing the Items into sets known as "Classifications" and then specifying a Classification for each Customer. Customers will see only those Items in the relevant Classification when they log on to your Web Shop site.

If you specify a Classification at the individual Customer level, it will override one that has been specified at the Customer Category level.

If you do not specify a Classification for a Customer or Customer Category, the Classification with the Code "MAIN" will be used. If there is no "MAIN" Classification, or if you have specified a non-existent Classification has been specified for the Customer, no Items will be listed when the Customer logs on.

Display on the Web
Paste Special    Display on the Web setting, Web Shop module
Web Shop Customers are usually shown the prices of your Items, but not the current stock levels of those Items. If you want to change either or both of these defaults for a particular Customer, enter an appropriate record in the Display On The Web setting in the Web Shop module, and then enter the Code of that record in this field.

Freight Code
Paste Special    Web Freight setting, Web Shop module
If you are using the HansaWorld Enterprise Web Shop, you may wish to define various methods by which freight charges will be calculated on Orders placed over the web (e.g. for local, national and international delivery). These calculation methods are defined in the Web Freight setting in the Web Shop module: specify here which method is to be used for this Customer.