Search HansaManuals Home >> Standard ERP >> Service Orders >> Contact Register Previous Next Entire Chapter in Printable Form Search This text refers to program version 5.1 Operations Menu - Customer Status You can use the 'Customer Status' function with Contacts that are Customers. It provides a short cut to the Customer Status report, otherwise only available in a less detailed form in the Sales Ledger.In its basic form, this report shows the Customer Number, Name and telephone number, Contact Classifications, Credit Limit and turnover for the year to date for the Customer currently on screen or for those Customers highlighted in the browse window, together with a list of all open Invoices and the last five paid Invoices. However, if required, more information can be shown in the report, such as lists of recent Activities, Contract Quotations, Contracts, Quotations and Orders, and monthly sales figures for the past year. Use the Info on Customer Status Report setting in the CRM module to control how much of this additional information will be shown to different users, each of whom can be given a different report definition. Much of this additional information will not be shown if the report is produced from the Sales Ledger. If the appearance of the report when it is produced using this function is not as expected (it only lists Invoices), the probable cause is that there is no record in the Info on Customer Status Report setting for the user producing the report. The Customer Status report has the HansaWorld Enterprise Drill-down feature. You can open many records such as Contact Persons, Activities, Quotations and Invoices from the report by clicking in the appropriate places (i.e. on Contact Person names, on Activity Dates and on Quotation and Invoice Numbers). You can also click on a Person's initials to open an Activities, Persons report for that Person. Text with the drill-down feature is shown underlined in the report. The report also contains a [New Activity] text button that you can click to create an empty new Activity. Finally, the [Credit History] text button will open a separate report showing the Customer's credit history. This is a chargeable internet service: to use it you must have registered your database in Estonia using the Automatic Internet Enabler method, as described on the 'Enabler Key' page. You must also have entered a Reg No 1 on the 'Company' card of the Contact record for the Customer whose credit history you are interested in. The function will have no effect if you try to use it with a Contact that is not marked as a Customer. |