
Operations Menu - Supplier Status

You can use the 'Supplier Status' function with Contacts that are Suppliers. It provides an immediate report listing previous Purchase Invoices and Payments for the Supplier currently on screen or for those highlighted in the browse window. It also shows total amount due figures. The function will have no effect if you try to use it with a company that is not marked as a Supplier.

Depending on the availability of the CRM module, additional information can also be shown in the report, such as lists of recent Activities, Goods Receipts and Purchase Orders and monthly purchasing figures for the past year. Use the Info on Supplier Status Report setting in the CRM module to control how much of this additional information will be shown to different users, each of whom can be given a different report definition. If the appearance of the report is not as expected (it only lists Purchase Invoices and Contact Persons), the probable cause is that there is no record in the Info on Supplier Status Report setting for the user producing the report.

The Supplier Status report has the HansaWorld Enterprise Drill-down feature. You can open many records such as Contact Persons, Activities, Goods Receipts and Purchase Invoices from the report by clicking in the appropriate places (i.e. on Contact Person names, on Activity Dates and on Goods Receipt and Purchase Invoice Numbers). You can also click on a Person's initials to open an Activities, Persons report for that Person. Text with the drill-down feature is shown underlined in the report.