
Introduction to the Quotation Register

The Quotation register allows you to record, print and email Quotations, and create Activities to schedule follow-up calls.

To open the Quotation register, use the [Module] button in the Master Control panel or the Ctrl-0 (zero) or ⌘-0 keyboard shortcut to ensure you are in the Contact module, and then click the [Quotations] button, also in the Master Control panel. The 'Quotations: Browse' window is opened, listing the Quotations that you have already entered.

Quotations are shown sorted by Quotation Number. You can change the sort order by clicking on one of the other column headings: the blue heading shows the current sort order.

To search for a specific Quotation, first sort the list by the column that you want to use for the search. Then, enter the text that you want to find in the Search field in the top right-hand corner of the window and press Return. For example, to search for a particular Customer Name, sort by Name before entering a Customer Name (or the first few characters) in the Search field.

The buttons in the top left-hand corner are part of the Limited Access feature. You can use them as follows (Windows versions of the buttons illustrated on the left, Mac OS X on the right):

Lists all Quotations.

Lists Quotations belonging to members of the same Sales Group as the current user (i.e. Quotations with the same Sales Group on their 'Price List' card as that of the current user).

Lists Quotations belonging to the current user (i.e. Quotations where the Salesman field contains the Signature of the current user).
You can also prevent a user from seeing all Quotations in the list by restricting their view to their own Quotations or to those of their Sales Group.

Please refer to the page describing the 'Access' card of the Person register for full details about the Limited Access feature.


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