

Use this document to print Quotations to be sent to Customers.

Enter a Quotation Number or a range of Quotation Numbers separated by a colon to select the records for printing. You must specify a Quotation Number or range of Quotation Numbers: if you leave this field empty, no documents will be printed.

You can also print the document by clicking on the Printer icon when viewing a Quotation record, or print it to screen by clicking the Preview icon.

You can use the following fields when you design the Form to be used by the Quotation document:

Field in FormPrints (from Quotation record)
Header Fields (these print once per Quotation)
AddressName (if you are using the Organisation Name option in the Form Settings setting) and Invoice To Address. This information will be printed on separate lines, so you should specify a Vertical Spacing for this field
Address 1Attn.
Address 2First line of Invoice Address
Address 3Second line of Invoice Address
Address 4Third line of Invoice Address
Address 5 Fourth line of Invoice Address
Address 6 Fifth line of Invoice Address
Address from the users Contact cardFirst three lines of the Invoice Address from the Contact record of the Salesman. This will be printed on separate lines, so you should specify a Vertical Spacing for this field
Address NameFirst line of the Delivery Address
Address with AttentionName, Attn. and Invoice To Address. This information will be printed on separate lines, so you should specify a Vertical Spacing for this field
Amount in TextPrints the TOTAL as a phrase. The phrase is constructed using the relevant record in the Values in Text setting for the Language of the Quotation or, if that is blank, the Language in the current user's Person record on in the Company Info setting
Amount in Text, Basecurrency 1Prints the TOTAL converted to Base Currency 1 as a phrase. The phrase is constructed using the relevant record in the Values in Text setting for the Language of the Quotation or, if that is blank, the Language in the current user's Person record on in the Company Info setting. You can only use this field if you have the Currencies & Languages Value Pack
Customer Fax NumberFax from the Quotation or, if blank, from the Contact record for the Customer
ClassQuotation Class
CurrencyCurrency. You can only use this field if you have the Currencies & Languages Value Pack
Customer NameName
Customer Name, jewelleryPrints Salutation 1 + Salutation 2 + Salutation 3 + ANA Code from the Contact record for the Customer, separated by spaces
Customer NumberCustomer
Customer Telephone NumberTelephone from the Quotation or, if blank, from the Contact record for the Customer
DepartmentDepartment from the Contact record for the Customer
Delivery AddressDelivery Address. The first line will only be printed if you are using the Organisation Name option in the Form Settings setting. This information will be printed on separate lines, so you should specify a Vertical Spacing for this field
E-mailEmail Address from the Salesman's Person record
E-mail CustomerE-mail from the Contact record for the Customer
Fax from the users Contact cardFax from the Contact record of the Salesman
Invoice To Address 1Second line of the Delivery Address
Invoice To Address 2Third line of the Delivery Address
Invoice To Address 3Fourth line of the Delivery Address
Invoice To Address 4Fifth line of the Delivery Address
Invoice To Address 5Sixth line of the Delivery Address
Invoice To NameFirst line of the Delivery Address
MobileMobile from the Contact record for the Customer
Mobile from the users Contact cardMobile from the Contact record of the Salesman
NotePrints the text of the first Note attached to the Quotation. If you specify a Field Argument, the Note whose Comment is the same as the Field Argument will be printed
Our ReferenceOur Ref.
Payment TermsThe Text from the Payment Term record
Phone from the users Contact cardTelephone from the Contact record of the Salesman
Quotation DateDate
Quotation Date (Hijri) Date (Hijri calendar)
Salesman ASalesman
Salesman NameName from the Salesman's Person record
Sign E-mailE-mail from the Contact record of the Person who created the Quotation record
Sign FaxFax from the Contact record of the Person who created the Quotation record
Sign MobileMobile from the Contact record of the Person who created the Quotation record
Sign NameName from the Contact record of the Person who created the Quotation record
Sign PhoneTelephone from the Contact record of the Person who created the Quotation record
SignatureSignature of the Person who created the Quotation record
Subtotal in Base Currency 1Subtotal, converted to Base Currency 1 (number of decimal places as in the Quotation record, decimal places will be cut if so specified in the relevant record in the Values in Text setting). You can only use this field if you have the Currencies & Languages Value Pack
Subtotal in Base Currency 2Subtotal, converted to Base Currency 2 (number of decimal places as in the Quotation record, decimal places will be cut if so specified in the relevant record in the Values in Text setting). You can only use this field if you have the Currencies & Languages Value Pack
Subtotal with VATSubtotal + VAT
Subtotal without discountSum of (Qty * Unit Price) for each row (number of decimal places determined by the data, decimal places will be cut if so specified in the relevant record in the Values in Text setting)
SumSubtotal (number of decimal places as in the Quotation record, decimal places will be cut if so specified in the relevant record in the Values in Text setting)
To PayTOTAL (number of decimal places as in the Quotation record, decimal places will be cut if so specified in the relevant record in the Values in Text setting)
To Pay in TextPrints the TOTAL as a phrase. The phrase is constructed using the relevant record in the Values in Text setting for the Language of the Quotation or, if that is blank, the Language in the current user's Person record on in the Company Info setting
Total Discount (Sum of (Qty * Unit Price) for each row) - Subtotal (number of decimal places determined by the data, decimal places will be cut if so specified in the relevant record in the Values in Text setting)
Total VolumeSum of (Qty * Item Volume from the Item record) for each row (two decimal places)
Total WeightSum of (Qty * Weight from the Item record) for each row (two decimal places)
User Date Customer 1The first user defined date field in the Contact record for the Customer
User Date Customer 2The second user defined date field in the Contact record for the Customer
User Date Customer 3The third user defined date field in the Contact record for the Customer
User Text Customer 1The first user defined text field in the Contact record for the Customer
User Text Customer 2The second user defined text field in the Contact record for the Customer
User Text Customer 3The third user defined text field in the Contact record for the Customer
User Text Customer 4The fourth user defined text field in the Contact record for the Customer
User Text Customer 5The fifth user defined text field in the Contact record for the Customer
User Value Customer 1 The first user defined value field in the Contact record for the Customer (two decimal places)
User Value Customer 2The second user defined value field in the Contact record for the Customer (two decimal places)
User Value Customer 3The third user defined value field in the Contact record for the Customer (two decimal places)
Valid Until DateValid Until
Valid Until Date (Hijri) Valid Until (Hijri calendar)
VATVAT (number of decimal places as in the Quotation record, decimal places will be cut if so specified in the relevant record in the Values in Text setting)
VAT Reg. NumberVAT Reg. No.
Your (customers) ReferenceAttn.
Row Fields (these print once per row, so remember to specify a Vertical Spacing)
Alternative CodeAlternative Code from the Item record
Amount RoundedSum rounded to the nearest whole number
Catalog Serialnumber (K-xxxx) If the first character of the Item Number is "K", prints the No. of the Quotation with "K-" as a prefix. Otherwise, prints the No.
Commodity CodeCommodity Code from the Item record
DepthItem Depth from the Item record
Description 1Description
Discount Specification% formatted as a negative percentage. For example, if the % is "5", it will be printed as "-5%"
HeightItem Height from the Item record
Item Barcode BC39Barcode or Item Number from the Item record, printed using the Code 39 barcode format. You should give this field a Style that uses a Code 39 barcode font
Item Barcode EAN 13Barcode or Item Number from the Item record, printed using the EAN 13 barcode format. You should give this field a Style that uses an appropriate EAN 13 barcode font
Item CodeItem
Item Code 2Item
Item PriceIf the prices in a Quotation include VAT (e.g. it has a Price List that is Inclusive of VAT), this field will print the Unit Price including discount but excluding VAT. If the prices in a Quotation do not include VAT, it will print the Unit Price excluding discount but including VAT.
Usually, the figure will obey the Default for Currency rounding rules set in the Round Off setting. However, you can overrule this by specifying a Field Argument for this field. For example, to round to one decimal place, enter "1" as the Field Argument, or to round to the nearest ten, enter "-1".
You should set the Format to 1 in this field
Price FactorPrice Factor
Price in Base Currency 1Unit Price in Base Currency 1 (two decimal places) (prints blank if zero). You can only use this field if you have the Currencies & Languages Value Pack
Price in Base Currency 2Unit Price in Base Currency 2 (two decimal places) (prints blank if zero). You can only use this field if you have the Currencies & Languages Value Pack
Price in Base Currency 1, rowSum in Base Currency 1 (two decimal places) (prints blank if zero). You can only use this field if you have the Currencies & Languages Value Pack
Price in Base Currency 2, rowSum in Base Currency 2 (two decimal places) (prints blank if zero). You can only use this field if you have the Currencies & Languages Value Pack
Price including Discount, rowUnit Price less discount (two decimal places, decimal places will be cut if so specified in the relevant record in the Values in Text setting) (prints blank if zero)
Price per Unit (incl. Price Factor) Unit Price / Price Factor (if there is a Price Factor) or Unit Price (otherwise) (number of decimal places as in the Quotation record, decimal places will be cut if so specified in the relevant record in the Values in Text setting)
QuantityQty (number of decimal places as in the Quotation record, decimal places will be cut if so specified in the relevant record in the Values in Text setting)
Row NumberRow number (only printed if a row has an Item). You should set the Format to 1 in this field
Row SumSum (number of decimal places as in the Quotation record, decimal places will be cut if so specified in the relevant record in the Values in Text setting)
Row Sum with VATSum + row VAT (two decimal places) (prints blank if the Sum is blank). You should set the Format to 1 in this field
UnitIf the Item has a Unit, the Comment from the Unit record
Unit CodeUnit
User Date Item 1The first user defined date field in the Item record
User Date Item 2 The second user defined date field in the Item record
User Date Item 3The third user defined date field in the Item record
User Text Item 1The first user defined text field in the Item record
User Text Item 2 The second user defined text field in the Item record
User Text Item 3 The third user defined text field in the Item record
User Text Item 4 The fourth user defined text field in the Item record
User Text Item 5 The fifth user defined text field in the Item record
User Value Item 1 The first user defined value field in the Item (two decimal places)
User Value Item 2The second user defined value field in the Item record (two decimal places)
User Value Item 3The third user defined value field in the Item record (two decimal places)
VAT CodeV-Cd
VAT Value, rowRow VAT (two decimal places) (prints blank if the Sum is blank). You should set the Format to 1 in this field
VAT Value in Base Currency 1, rowRow VAT in Base Currency 1 (two decimal places) (prints blank if zero). You can only use this field if you have the Currencies & Languages Value Pack
VAT Value in Base Currency 2, rowRow VAT in Base Currency 2 (two decimal places) (prints blank if zero). You can only use this field if you have the Currencies & Languages Value Pack
VAT %, rowRow VAT rate, from the VAT Code (prints blank if the Sum is blank). You should set the Format to 1 in this field
VolumeItem Volume from the Item record
Volume, rowQty * Item Volume from the Item record
WeightQty * Weight from the Item record
Weight, ItemWeight from the Item record
WidthItem Width from the Item record


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