
Contact List

This function in the Integration module exports information from the Contact register. Contacts will be listed in Contact Number order in the export file.

Paste Special    Customers and Contact Persons in Contact register
Range Reporting    Alpha
Enter a Contact Number or range of Contact Numbers to export specific Contacts from the Contact register. Closed Contacts will not be exported.

By default, the 'Paste Special' list shows Customers. Click the [All Contacts] button if you need to see Customers and Contact Persons.

Customer Category
Paste Special    Customer Categories setting, Contact module
Enter a Customer Category to export Contacts belonging to that Category.

Paste Special    Person register, System module
To export Contacts assigned to a single Salesman, enter a Salesman's initials here.

Paste Special    Contact Classifications setting, Contact module
Enter a Classification to export Contacts with that Classification. If you enter a number of Classifications separated by commas, only those Contacts featuring all the Classifications listed will be exported. If you enter a number of Classifications separated by plus signs (+), all Contacts featuring at least one of the Classifications listed will be exported. If you enter a Classification preceded by an exclamation mark (!), all Contacts featuring any Classification except the one listed will be exported.

For example:
Exports Contacts with Classifications 1 and 2 (including Contacts with Classifications 1, 2 and 3).

Exports Contacts with Classifications 1 or 2.

Exports all Contacts except those with Classification 2.

Exports Contacts with Classification 1 but not those with Classification 2 (i.e. Contacts with Classifications 1 and 2 are not exported). Note the comma before the exclamation mark in this example.

Exports all Contacts except those with Classification 1 or 2 or both. Again, note the comma.

Exports all Contacts except those with Classifications 1 and 2 (Contacts with Classifications 1, 2 and 3 will not be exported).

Exports Contacts without Classification 1 and those with Classification 2 (Contacts with Classifications 1 and 2 will be exported).

Exports Contacts with Classifications 1 and 2, and those with Classifications 3 and 4.

Exports Contacts with Classifications beginning with 1 (e.g. 1, 10, 100).

Exports Contacts with Classifications beginning with 1 but not 1 itself.

Exports Contacts with Classifications ending with 1 (e.g. 1, 01, 001).

Exports Contacts with Classifications beginning and ending with 1.
Include Contacts
Check this box if you want to export Contacts in the specified range that have been marked as Customers.

Include None Set
Check this box if you want to export all Contacts in the specified range that have not been marked as Customers (i.e. Contact Persons).
Confirm by clicking the [Run] button, or cancel using the close box. After clicking [Run], a dialogue box will open, where you can name the export file and specify where it is to be saved.

Enter a name for the file, and click [Save] or press the Enter key.

A message window informs you about the progress of the export process. You can interrupt the process at any time by pressing Esc (Windows) or ⌘-Full Stop (Mac OS X).


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